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Cannot playback Audio CD

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I have a problem when trying to play audio CDs.


When I insert an audio CD and open KsCD I get the following error message:


CDROM read or access error (or no audio CD present)


Check that you have access permission to:



When I search for this file in Konsole I cannot find it.


I have no problem opening data CDs or palying MP3 files.


I am trying Linux for the first time and have Mandrake Linux 9.0 installed.


Thanks in advance Usul

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I am not sure how the devices are setup in Mandrake, but if your CD is actually /dev/cdrom0, /dev/cdrom1, or even /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 you will only need to make a link to it if the application can't be updated. So, here's your options:


Check out /etc/fstab as a regular user (so you don't accidentally edit it :)) and look for something with "cdrom" in it. For example, here's a line from mine:


/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 /mnt/cdrom0 iso9660 noauto,ro,users 0 0


Your first option would be to look for a "preferences" or "setup" option in your CD playing app for the device and see if you have the ability to change where it's looking for you CD-ROM drive. You might see the line /dev/cdrom in there, and can change it to point to your CD-ROM drive, save it, and be done. Or, you might have to make a symlink, and in that case....


My first CD drive has the device designation of /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 ("0" being the first), so I would have to make a "symlink" in the /dev directory to point to it (this is similar to a shortcut, but much cooler):


Get into a terminal, and "su" to root:

bash-# su

password: <root's password>



Now, we make the symlink:

bash-root# ln -s /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 /dev/cdrom


Try the app now, if it still doesn't work, you might have to change the permissions to "execute" for everyone, althought I think the default is read-only and should work, but in any case you can change it with:


bash-root# chmod 755 /dev/cdrom


Also, in your user manager, make sure that your current user is in the "cdrom" and "audio" groups if you have them. Once this is all done and you app is working, just exit the terminal and you should be set.

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