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User account restriction error: it's my own doing :(

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My constant fiddling has left me in a bind frown I have 2 pc's with brand new 1 hour old installs of Win2K Pro & .Net Ent Server. They are both connected to each other via a simple 4-port switch. They are both in the same Workgroup, & both have multiple folders shared. The 2 boxes have only their respective admin accounts created during installation. I have renamed this account to "ron" on both pc's. Passwords have yet to be implemented.


Up until my fiddling with security policies, both pc's could transfer files between themselves without issue. Now, both pc's can still see each other in Network Neighborhood, but I cannot connect to the .Net pc. I get an error stating "\\Server is not accessible. Logon failure: user account restriction.". Trying \\ leads me to the exact same error prompt. However, from the .Net box I can connect to the Win2K box just fine thru Network Neighborhood.


I dunno what I may have (mis)configured, but can anyone lend me a hand?

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give the users passwords....i don't know about .Net but I am pretty sure

XP requires you to have a password to share files. I had the same effect with two xp boxes once with users without passwords....as soon as I gave those users passwords, the connection between the two worked. Hope it helps.

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Jasbo, that worked! Thank you!!! Kinda strange though, since I was able to access either pc before, & neither had any password. I don't know what setting I changed to make this happen. Hmmm, I wonder if renaming the admin accounts had anything to do with this?

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