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Kazaa and my ISP

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OK this really doesnt have anythign to do with XP or 2k but someone in here might have an answer for me. I have been running kazaa for about 6 months now. I have verizon dsl with first step as my ISP. Up untill abtou 2 weeks ago I was able to find files with all sorts of bandwidths and was able to download at incredible speeds. Then all of a sudden it was like Kazaa hit a brick wall. IT wouldnt find any bandwidths over 79 and everydownload is very very slow. It sometimes would take 2 hours to download an mp3. Anyway after thinking I did something to kazaa I finally came to the conclusion that my ISP is limiting the bandwidth on the ports that kazaa uses (1214). So I used a proxy server to change it to 1080. That still didnt work. So now I just got kazaa 2 and used the internal controls to change the port to a web port (80, 8000, 8080) but I still get the same things. I now have decided that my ISP is recognizing the packets and slowing them down (is this even posible) Anyway, does anyone know of a way to fool my ISP into thinking that kazaa is a web based program and to let it go?

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I'm not sure you can throttle packets like that.


Our boss used to block ports on certain IP's to keep us from using Napster, but slowing down I doubt they can do that, tho I may be wrong


They could throttle your whole connection tho

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Slowing down is easy, just use QoS (Quality of Service) aware hardware and software. Certain firewalls and switches allow you to prioritize traffic, so while certain DB application traffic may get high priority, guess what drops to the bottom?


Now, have you tried other applications (such as FTP) to see what bandwidth you are getting? Do you have any friends using the same ISP in your area? Maybe they can test it for you. You could also try newsgroups and see if they are capping those (those are usually the first to be capped).

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Assuming their network has QOS capabilities.


Verizon, tho, is good about keeping up with hardware.


I have seen ISP's specifically limit users access to certain IP's and ports, like at some Universities, they block Kazaa being used in the dorms.

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All other forms of internet work at very fast dsl speeds. (I have not tried newgroups) I just want to be able to make my ISP thing that Kazaa is a web program so it will let it pass. I have tried kazaa on my other computers on my network and they show the same signs and I have tried on friends computers with the same DSL and ISP and they show the same sign also. I would understand about it if they had told me they were going to do this but they said nothing. I also beleive that I am paying for access to the internet and should be able to use whatever part of the internet I want from web surfing to P2P, I am payihng for it!!!

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Good for you Kazaa is the lamest excuse for spy ware and general internet traffic waste of bandwidth ever.

Hope Kazaa fries your system like it did one of my customers.

enjoy the trickler. ;(

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Well theelviscerator, tell us how you really feel!


There's no spyware in Kazaa Lite, and it's still the best program for finding mp3's...

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Good for you Kazaa is the lamest excuse for spy ware and general internet traffic waste of bandwidth ever.
Hope Kazaa fries your system like it did one of my customers.
enjoy the trickler. ;(

5 minutes with Ad-Aware and a simple file replacement gets rid of all that. Obviously, neither you or your customer can't be all that bright if you didn't know that.

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I've had the same experience with Verizon DSL. I use Kazaa Lite K++ and it has no spyware at all. Using my laptop and a wireless router, I connect at 54 Mbps with Verizon DSL. Download speeds on Kazaa were sometimes over 200 K for the first month. I could leave Kazaa on overnight and the next morning, big files would be all finished loading. I am paying 14.95 per month for Verizon for a year. I think it was because of the new deal with Yahoo. I signed up near the beginning of October with the understanding that I could quit any time during the first month. After the month ended, the connection speed stayed the same, but Kazaa slowed to a crawl. Kazaa also gets kicked off after about 15 minutes if i don't check back to it. Browsing remains quick but only if Kazaa is shut down. If Kazaa is open, browsing also is slow. This sounds like a clue to me, even though I'm mostly clueless about how it all works. It looks like Verizon knows how to pretty much shut down file sharing. Today, I started using edonkey200lite and it is also slow but at least it doesn't get kicked off every 15 mins. Is there some way to thwart verizon on this. It is definitely a bait and switch scheme.

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