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Need help with RAMDiskNT (from Cenatek) problem

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I could really use some help. Anyone with experience using this product please feel free to add your thoughts. I want to set up a ramdisk to hold temp Internet files & the like. I thought I was doing everything right, yet when I try to access my newly created 64MB ramdisk (R:\), I get an error telling me


"R:\ is not accessible. Incorrect function".


No errors are present when I create the ramdrive, & it even shows up in Windows explorer too. But, Win Explorer dosn't show it's size (or any other properties), hence obviously I have a config error somewhere.


I have posted a screen shot showing my RamdiskNT configs here, & a link to RAMDiskNT can be found here.


Thoughts anyone?

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Dammit, now it no worky ;( If anyone can go over my settings (linked in original thread) & lend a hand it would be most appreciated. I have also tried various other combinations of settings, yet am still unsuccessful.


APK, where are you.....

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so did you change settings and then it worked? and then change again and it not work?

or did you leave it the same and it just likes to work when it feels like it.

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No, I didn't change any settings. I have no clue as to why it started working, because I had tried repeatedly without success to setup up the program. Anyway, since I could access the drive like I did any other drive, I successfully set my Temp Internet files to go into my ram drive. Now, I can't access the drive anymore, even though I didn't mess with any settings.


Argh........this is frustrating ;(

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