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Just need some video card driver opinions

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Umm, i have a gf2-mx-400 and its an "ok" card not the best. Anyway, I play counter-strike alot and i used to get around 75-99 fps. but with the newer version i only get 33-75. I installed the new nvidida drivers version 29.42 and still get the same fps. Im just wondering if you think I should go back to the 12.41 drivers where the shadowing texture feature wasn't in the drivers. I dunno if it will make my fps better? i dont really care for image quality.

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.............................................................................................................................................................gee, this site is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig help......................................................................................................

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It is probably the shadowing texture that has dropped the FPS rate. I would stay with the drivers you have right now, as they are the standard and are probably the most supported by the newest (or NEWER) games/applications for that matter.


P.S. I know the site is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig help, it seems dead. I feel like a Trek captain that has stumbled upon an abandoned ship only to see a few survivors smile

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Umm... This is the Win9x forum on a site called NTCompatible. Think about it. laugh


Still not sure why this section was added to the forum.

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Detonator 23.11 worked the best under 9x or 2000/XP for me with my GeForce2MX.

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well the reason ...that we probably have a 9x forum on an NT site...is to cover the ...Dual Boot...Upgrade problems for people who upgrade to NT..and probably for networking the 9x to an NT platform .As far as upgrade video card drivers...I tried the asus 29.40's and they did just fine on my GF3 ti 200...increased my frames in quake...and the picture quality is there...I also put them on my TNT2 M64...and it increased the frames by 2fps..wowo big jump...but is an oldy but a good card....But there is also a Det 29.40 that is not asus specific...that is just as good...oh yah...one quickie for you...MSCONFIG.exe...selective startup...then goto the startup tab...uncheck the wcdmgr...schedulingagent...and quick time task...if it is there.....this will stop the auto update features of windows 98...then you have to reboot....you still can get updates thru the windows update icon in the task bar...but will give you more resources...and with these new found resources....you should get more FPS....My little TOSHBOX (laptop 133mhz) boots and runs faster than most peoples win 98se...with 4 times faster processors....with these auto features disabled...so it should make you get more FPS...hope this helps...

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tank u guyzzz I dont have a wcdmgr or somethin but i got a conmgr from the earthlink folder...should i disable that? anyway i disable the taskmon thing too

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Yeah you can go back to older drivers, just do yourself a favor, and grab detonator destroyer... Boot in safe mode, run the detonator destroyer, reboot, again in safe mode, install 12.41's. This url http://www.guru3d.com/ should have the files listed above that you'll need. Good luck.

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