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FM Interference with my Altec Lansing 641's

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Greetings everybody!


I've just moved to a new apartment and I'm having a very frustrating problem.


I can hear an FM radio station through my computer speakers whenever power to them is turned on. It's loud enough that I can tell what song is playing and even make out some of the DJ's sentences.


I have the Altec Lansing Select 641's. The interference is not coming through the power outlet, but rather from the long cables to the back speakers (they are acting as long antennas). In the troubleshooting section of the instruction manual it suggests that if this happens, replace the speaker wire with something that has better shielding. That's all fine and dandy, but doing this would void the warranty (confirmed with Altec).


I've heard that there is some sort of small circular thingamajig that you can clip to speaker wire, that will filter out FM signals. I was told to look in the coils and conductors section of Radio Shack for such a device, but to no avail... the Radio Shack thugs being no help either.


Anybody have any suggestions? I could really really use them.

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you should never depend on Radio Shack employees, they know absolutly nothing.

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Same is true for Verizon employees.


BTW I got it to stop interfering by grouping up all the extra cabling and Scotch-taping it to the upper right most inside corner of my desk. There seems to be a pocket there where FM signals are unable to reach.

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i was going to say try covering everything with Aluminum Foil, but, if you fixed it thats great.

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