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internet connection sharing problems...

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morning guys!


i'm trying to share my internet connection using my home system as the router. I am running Win2K on my home system with an @home cable connction. to say the least i've tried 3 ways to share my connection thus far.


1st was to use the built in ICS from Microsoft (which usually works well with @home cable) and share the connection to the second NIC installed. no luck. the second computer hooked up (with cross patch)on the second nic with hard coded IP ( could not get out.


2nd was to use a third party software (Sygate Home Networking 4.2. sygate would detect the system requesting IP and would actually assign the IP with it's built in DHCP but would not let it get out still.


3rd was to use hardware (netgear router) without luck as well.


internet works fine still with no problems on original host machine.


can anyone shed any light onto this dilemma? is @home screwing with me or something?


thanx in advance

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Make sure you have the correct gateway on the 2nd PC. It should be the local IP of PC #1, something like


Also, for the DNS servers on PC #2, just set them to be the same as the DNS servers on PC #1.

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thanks anyway kgeissler.


i found out what the problem was after a some testing. apparently the @home service provider has now locked in MAC addresses for identification on their connection. so the only way to hook up another system would be to call them to reset the MAC address checker. I found that you can also get around it by sending a P-Packet to make it automatically reset itself.


what a bunch of *******s.


oh well.


thanks again guys.

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You should still be able to use ICS though. Make sure the 2nd PC is setup to auto obtain IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server address. And make sure both PCs are in the same workgroup.

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I've done ICS many a time (even with third party vendor apps and on multiple OS's including MAC) and understand what has to be set server and client side in order for sharing to occur. But it doesn't work. When I use my DSL connection instead (two connections at home), no problems at all. Can anyone explain this? The only thing I can think of is the MAC address for ID that @Home uses.


Thanks anyways Davros.

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Call @home and ask them what the deal is. After about 6 hours you might get to talk to someone who has a clue there.

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Had a nice little chat with the friendly neighbourhood @Home technician after a two hour and a half hour wait (no joke, 8:03pm-10:43pm). Bottom line is that they do not support ICS of any kind and don't have any suggestions. I sort of knew that was coming as it has been their policy from the start.


Oh well.


SOL again.

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