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updateable query error (I've read the MS stuff)

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I got the following error when trying to INSERT INTO a database:


Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.


According to microsoft's support site, "The most common reason is that the Internet Guest account (IUSR_MACHINE), which is by default part of the "Everyone" group, does not have Write permissions on the database file (.mdb). To fix this problem, use the Security tab in Explorer to adjust the properties for this file so that the Internet Guest account has the correct permissions."


The problem is, how do I do what they told me to? I see no security tab on the file's properties, and I can't find the "everyone" group (I could in win2k, but can't in XP)

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Is the partition NTFS? If so, then open up Windows Explorer and go to Tools>Options, and scroll to the bottom. Then, uncheck "Use simple file sharing". I believe that will enable the security tab for you (I only use domains, so this is disabled by default). At that point, when you right click on the file you will then see a "Security" tab and you should be able to check its permissions.

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Thanks a lot. Saved me a lot of hassle. Until now I was using brinkster to test my code and that's just a pain =)

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