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Problem with ATI Radeon 7000

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I'm trying to help my friend on this so I'll give his comp specs and the problem.


He just bought a ATI Radeon 7000 PCI for his computer of:


Gateway 500mhz Celeron <----

Microsoft Windows XP

512 MB RAM PC100

10 GB HD with 1.7 GB free <----

Sound Blaster Live Audigy 5.1

ATI Radeon 7000 PCI (with updated March 21, 2002 drivers)


So here's the problem.. everytime we run the computer that has a game with high details graphics or FMV like Quake III, Medal of Honor, Wolfenstein.. or just a basic Windows Media Player MOVIE file, the computer freezes up completely and you need to do a hard reboot.


It seems like the ATI is really taking alot of resources and it's making his computer awfully sluggish.. even bring up the Start Menu, it's super slow in displaying folders and such. I'm starting to think that maybe the video card itself is just too much for this old machine. What do you think? Can anyone wanna help out on this? Why would this hog up all the resources and cause the computer to have a hemmorage??


I have an AMD Thunderbird 800mhz

Windows XP

640 RAM PC133

with 40 GB FREE space HD

with an ATI Raedon 8500 AGP.. and have no problems at all.


So... you think it's a whole memory issue with the hard drive and maybe his 500mhz Celeron is just too slow for this type of Video Card? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks for advance.



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My roommate got my 7000 as a hand me down when I bought the 8500. His system was pretty much a duplicate of the one you described, only with a celery 450 proc. It ran like a champ. Check out the forums on www.rage3d.com, they are usually pretty quick to help with anything. You may also wanna download the latest leaked 8500 drivers. Notice I said the 8500 drivers, not the 7000 ones. The new drivers are unified at least in the 8500 set and support older cards as well with all the updated codebase intact. Should make a big difference. Also make sure "fast writes" are turned off in his bios.

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Thanks for the help.. I'm still baffled though. It has to be something with his other hardware or the computer itself that just don't like the video card that much.. i'm still baffled by it, but I'm gonna work on it tomorrow to see what I can come up with. Anyways, any other suggestions would be good. I'm gonna go post in rage now to see if ppl in there can help me as well. Thanks again.

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