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Can't Download or Update in IE...

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This is the 3rd time that I've had this problem in the last couple of years, each time in a different O/S (98, ME & W2k). I've had this happen in IE5 and IE6. After just getting started, any and all downloads just stop, regardless of file size or website. I can't download anything from the Windows Update site either. The only way that I have been able to fix this in the past has been to perform a clean reinstall of the entire O/S. Does anyone know of an easier solution? I have two computers on a home network with a DSL router/firewall. The other system with similar setup works fine. Thanx in advance...



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I have had trouble with windows update before. There are some files you can download in order to make it work, and MS usually provides a link after a failed download.


Now as for not being able to download anything, I think it is from some components that were installed on your PC by other programs. I've seen some really bad download additions after installing some popular software. Netscape used to do that. Try this, right click on the file to download and select 'save target as' from the menu. This should bypass any other downloader and use IE's default.


If that works, you then have an idea to the problem.



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Thanx for all the replies. I fixed the problem, finally. Some program or website installed a file called qttask.exe into my WINNT directory and was executing it at startup via the registry. As soon as I removed it, everything started working as before. Hope this helps some of you.



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Yeah, you might be right. I seem to recall visiting a website that may have required it. Can't really remember that well; it's been about a month ago. I've never had QuickTime on my system and I've heard on the Microsoft newsgroups of others having problems with downloading "exe" files, after installing QuickTime. For me, all downloading was effected within IE.



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