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"My Computer" freezing at startup

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I have a problem since I installed my home network: Both computers (using WinXP Pro) are freezing when I try to open "My Computer": the system is looking for something indefinitely, and I need to kill explorer.exe and restart it !


Note that there's no Network drive mapped.


Afeter a while, it seems to function normally again !!!



Thanks in advance.

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I think it is because your computer is trying to populate the "My Computer" window and in the process it checks for computers in your network whether you have drives mapped or not and your own network status. To make things quicker you can add your own IP addresses for your pc's: use and etc


XP uses self config if you don't use your own IP's so if youtype 'IPCONFIG /ALL' from the command prompt you will see addresses like 169.254.x.x, that means it's self configuring.


Alternatively, setup ICS(Internet connection sharing), one machine becomes the 'server' and the other a 'client'. The machine with ICS installed is the 'server' and will hand out IP addresses, you will have to configure this machine with an IP address: ans set the other machine to DHCP.

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