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Hello can you help me with my internet connection for multiplayer gamming? (counter strike)

Before I fresh install xp pro there is no problem in my 98se.

I`m using isdn 64K with external Terminal Adapter.

When I`m on win 98se my ping is between 100-200 but in XP it become worse 200-600. too laggy. I`d try many nvidia detonator but nothing change. And when I back from game I can see that is lots of errors in my connection status. about 5000 bytes I think. I dont know what is the problem.

Anybody can solve this problem? please help.;)winkfrown

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i assume you're on a 56k modem, try these commands in the console:




fps_modem XX - replace XX with the desired framerate, i normally use 40 or 30, but i suggest 40.


fps_lan XX - same as above but used for LAN play.


rate XXXX - i'm not sure of the values for other net connections, but i'm on a 56k and i use 3500




try also disabling voice chat and automatic downloading.

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Also try to unbind and uninstall the QoS service from your Network properties. This baby reserves quite a bit of bandwidth for itself; on a DSL/cable pipe it won't hurt that much, but on 56k/ISDN you DON'T want that smile

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wink My connection is better now. I`ve just turn off the acpi and use standard pc for now. no lagging in cs now.I think IRQ sharing is the problem. which is my vga & soudcard & tv tuner & usb & lan card sharing IRQ 5.

but now it has own irq.


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