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logitech pagescan color parallel

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I know this question has been asked before, maybe by myself or someone else, but i'd like to know if someone succeeded in making the above scanner work in windows nt, 2000 or xp.

OK this scanner is very very very old, but it's still working great and fast and the scanquality is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the crappy hercules scan@home i bought when i upgraded to win2k... Now i'm still doing a dualboot 98/xp just to be able to use that pagescan, kinda silly...

So isn't there some generic twain driver that can be used with the pagescan color parallel? note that it's not the USN version, which works in nt/2k/xp...

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Did you have any luck finding a way to make your Logitech PageScan Color with Parallel conection work on windows 98? I have the same situation. I found out that after Logitech came out with the '95 version, Logitech sold off their scanner division to Storm Technology in Mountain View Ca. Storm went out of business in late 1998. I don't know if Storm made a '98 version before going under. I don't know who picked up this product line,or if this scanner just died, or if there is a '98 version out there. Hopefully some one will read this and help us reserect a fine, and simple scanner.

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