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Hey guys, I've been having the aforementioned BSOD pop up on my WinXP computer from time to time (every five minutes),

until I read a posting on an obscure little corner of the net


(I'm terribly sorry -- I'd give credit to the person who posted it, but I honestly can't find the site anymore, or remember whose advice it was I read).


I see a few people around here have been having the same BSOD problem, so I thought I'd post this here:


To anyone who uses BLACKICE DEFENDER...umm, don't wink


It would seem that using it under WinXP, at least for now, is the cause of many evil BSODs (or sudden reboots, for those of you who have BSODs turned off), and could be a major contributing factor to the IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAT_OR_EQUAL BSOD. Now, this just comes from my personal experience, but since I removed BlackIce and installed McAfee Firewall (which, in my opinion, seems no where as good), I haven't had a single BSOD.


I'm running on about 1.5 hours without a BSOD. So I suppose this could be a fluke. But I'm hoping that this turned out to be a solution, so I thought I'd pass it along. If I wake up tomorrow to a BSOD, I'll be back to complain about it, and look really stupid :P


PS. McAfee Firewall installed about as easily as...umm, I'm tired, no analogies are coming to mind, hehe. It installed with much difficulty. I've made a little one-zillion step guide to installing it and having it work under XP, so if anyone is curious for that, just give me a buzz and I'll post it smile


PPS. It's 5:30 AM local time, which is probably why I sound weird and dopey. Either I'll edit this message tomorrow morning so I don't sound so stupid, or I'll get a good laugh at it and decide to leave it as is for humour value. Nighty night all! shocked

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It appears that NetworkICE has released a patch for BID that claims to eliminate this BSOD problem. If anyone is using BlackICE and having this problem, give it a try:


www.networkice.com -> Support -> Downloads


I have yet to try it myself (I had uninstalled BID and switched to Sygate Beta 5, which seems to work nicely). But for anyone still on BID, this patch may help



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"or sudden reboots, for those of you who have BSODs turned off"


MUHAHAHHAHAHHA...BSODs turned OFF!!! That would be the checkbox of the millenium, hrhrhrhr.

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I meant the display of blue screens, hahah laugh

(the instant reboot upon BSOD option)


Don't we all wish we could turn them off for good...

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