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? About Adding Active Directory Users ?

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Hello all! Seems as though there is some good info on this board & I'm glad I came across it!


I am a Network Administrator for a public school district in Texas. I am currently developing a plan to migrate the district from NT 4.0 to 2000. As of right now, there is one generic user account for students and a seperate generic user account for faculty. When we migrate, I would like to setup an individual account for each secondary level student as well as one for each staff member, along with setting up a 5Mb folder that only the individual can access on our file server. We're talking about several thousand accounts here. My question is, what would be the least painful way to setup all these accounts & folders with the correct permissions without having to input each individual account one at a time.


I would greatly appreciate anyone's comments, suggestions, or even jokes about what I'm about to embark on!


Best regards,


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The account rights would be relatively easy: user group "Faculty", "Students", and perhaps "Administration". To make the accounts, I would say find a database listing of all the students and try to automate the account creation somehow? My other thought was perhaps you could create a web interface to allow each student to go in, enter his or her information, and then just have you approve the account request. If this were possible, you could have all the students sign up in each english class or homeroom or something. If you did it this way, each student would automatically have to set an initial password so [ideally] no account theft would take place, once the account request data is confirmed.

Another thought: if you create the accounts for the students, use their student numbers for the passwords. This should also be easily retrieved from a database query. As for how you could actually do this, you'll have to look elsewhere =) Sorry. Hope this helped a bit though. And, for your sake I hope you're not forced to do this by hand. If you are, pawn it off on the grade-level administrators or counselors!!!


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