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Radeon7500 + WinXP / AMD / VIA is 100% stable, but

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Today I received my ATI Radeon 7500 ... damn, I had to wait 5 weeks to get it in germany ...


Well - I deinstalled all nVidia stuff & software (I used a good old GeForce256 SDR before) and installed my Radeon 7500.


Since I use WinXP Pro, I installed the latest "beta" drivers v6.13.3281 ... first try, first crash wink


I forgot to install the AMD/VIA/Win2k LargePageMinimum-Patch - without it, there will be freezes during 3D stuff ...


I also had to turn my 4x AGP to 2x AGP and Fastwrites off ... when it's enabled, WinXP crashes during the startup (hum...).


However, after I acrivated dozens of several tweaks and registry-entries with RadeinTweaker 1.1.96, my WinXP System + Radeon 7500 seemed to run perfectly stable with 2D and 3D applications.


But some problems are still there. For example, I have some minor problems running 3dMark2001 ... all tests run fine, but:


- The Single/Multitexture tests are stuttering a bit

- High Poligon Count, too

- The point sprites test is *extremy* slow - it's more than a slideshow (0.3 Mpixels) ... on my old GeForce256, this horse was more or less rotating smoothly ...

- ALL other tests run smooth, fast and without any problems


My resulting score was 4132 3D Marks ... nice ...


Problems with Games:

- Aquanox works fine, but stutters some times. No crashes.

- the same appears for Black & White

- FreeSpace2 runs *very* good and fast - no stutter, no crash


What is this stuttering in 3dMark20001 and some games about? And why is the Point Sprite-Test *that* slow?


Maybe it has something to do with DirectX8.1 or the support via ATI's drivers ... DirectX8 games stutter, DirectX7 ones not. But what's wrong with 3dMark2001? It's 100% DirectX8, but only has problems with three tests ...


My system:

Abit KT7a (no RAID), latest BIOS

AMD TB 1.333 Ghz - 266 Mhz FSB

3x 128 MB Crucial RAM, CAS2 - 133 Mhz

ATI Radeon 7500 Retail

Creative SBLive!Value


WindowsXP Pro


ATI Radeon drivers v6.13.3281

RadeonTweaker 1.1.96

AMD Win2k/XP LargePageMinimum Patch

VIA 4in1 v4.35

George's Vlatency Patch v017a

VIA 3.14 IDE miniport driver

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1024x768, 32 Bit, 100 Hz ... I want to play at this resolution, otherwise I wouldn't need a fast Gfx-card with 64 MB of DDR-Ram wink


Btw, I found out that I can use 4X AGP without problems, too. But I have one major problem:


When WinXP starts up and the Desktop + Icons appears, nothing happens anymore. It's not frozen (I can move the mouse, open the Task Manager), but I can't access any menus or the task bar. Seems that explorer.exe is crashed ...


The strangest thing - after a reboot, everything works fine, without problems.


Do I really have to boot *two times* before I can access WinXP? Damn it ... what's wrong here?

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