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Gatewaying Apache web server thru 2k box

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Ok here's my situation. My 2k box is connected to the internet via a token ring connection. I have an ethernet LAN setup in my room, which connects to my Linux box. I've configured the 2k box to gateway for the Linux box, and the Linux box can browse internet just fine.


Now here's the tricky part: The Linux box is running Apache web server. I can see its website from the 2k box by going to How do I configure 2k so that when someone connects to its IP(148.100.XXX.XXX), it forwards port 80 to the linux box?

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Woohoo! It worked!


An interesting note: If I try to view my own IP addy from my 2k box or the Linux box, it'll give the Linux box a new IP address. Wonder why this happens... Is there anyway to make the Linux box's IP permanent?

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(Strangely enough, this was a GUI tuneable property in NT 4.0 if memory serves me right in NT 4.0's TcpIP properties... Now, in 2k/XP you have to hack the registry it looks like, no more GUI front end checkbox in its TcpIP properties I could find for it!)



Not that strange, actually, as I was just setting up a 2K server to handle NAT/routing duties last week and found that setting you mention (enable RIP checkbox) from NT 4 to be missing.

Now, what do you mean by the addresses changing? Are you talking about DHCP, or are you talking about the replacement of your LAN IP with the NAT (outside) IP?

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Nevermind, I finally figured out how to keep the linux box's IP constant. Had to use static IP in netconfig.


Works great now! (If only horribly slow ;))

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