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Nvidia Drivers

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What drivers have been the best to everyone cause i want to hear comparisons of them because i am using the 8.04's and i want to try something else

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I use the 21.83s

W2K w/SP2 as OS, Asus V7100 Pro (GF2 MX400) gfxcard.


I have the same problem as I had in XP. While playing CS I get random lockups, sound keeps looping. If im lucky I can kill the cstrike.exe process, if i'm not then I have to do a cold reboot...

Really pisses me off.

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Well I am using the 21.85 drivers and my computer decides to blue screen with nv4_disp sometimes when I go to play a game.


Using GeForce 2 MX on Win XP Pro

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The only NVidia drivers I can get to work reliably under WinXP are the old Win2k 12.41's.

The 20 & 21 series cause me random lock-up's in games and even simply web browsing.

Sometimes closing a game and then attempting to launch it maybe an hour later causes a hard lock.


Must admit I'm not overly impressed with Nvidia's WinXP drivers at the moment, hoping they sort out some good/stable ones soon.

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I am using the offical drivers.... 22.83's and have had no problems with them... as for the guy using the 23.85's.... they are not offical... who knows what they are... so if you *****ing because your getting blue screens... who's fault is that? For the last guy... saying that nvidia needs to get good XP drivers... why don't you try out 3dfx.. or ATi.... ATi has got have some of the lamest drivers I have seen anywhere!


just my 2 cents worth


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Now we know ati's drivers are worst , that's ok

but that doesn't mean bc ati's drivers aren't ok we can easily accept nvidia's driver faults

n yeah those ppl are right, with official 21.83 I n my friends

also the pcs I did for ppl are having problems

I spent my last week installing 12.41 back to more than 7 pc

now who can say nvidia driver's are ok ???

only thing I saw with 21 series was performance nothing else

go n read http://www.overclockers.com/tips723/

guyz we searched for FPS too hard

and nvidia gives what we want

but only FPS

nothing else

there is a big problem going on

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