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Voodoo2--cannot get it to work

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Can anyone that actually got their Voodoo2 to work under win2000 WITHOUT using quake3 compatible drivers?? I got my SLI setup to work with the quake3 compatible drivers, but these drivers lower my quake2 framerate by over 50 fps, and i don't play q3 that much

I have used the drivers both posted at ntgamepalace and betaos...with no luck

can anyone give me step by step directions? Every time i load quake2, and go to 3dfx driver(or default driver for that matter), quake2 just freezes at a grey screen.

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Your better off useing 1 Voodoo2 with older drivers.

So you loes a few FPS now ask your self is played "YES it is".

Intell we get official Windows2000 drivers be happy with what you got now.

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Lose a "few" fps? By reducing my 3d setup to 1 voodoo2 instead of 2, I will be cutting my framerate almost in half. Besides, why would an SLI setup matter, the drivers are the same for an SLI setup as they are for 1 card. And I did get the quake3 compatible drivers to work, so why shouldnt i be able to get the non-q3 drivers to work?

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I might be wrong on this (can't really remember), but I'm using the Q3 compatible drivers with the OLD openGL/MiniGL (1.47) with SLI to get just as high frame rates.


Also, not many people know that if you put your monitor refresh rates up to 120Hz for whatever res you are using, it increases your FPS by about 40% over 85Hz, since there is less waiting for the vertical blank of your monitor.




The alternative is turn off waiting for vertical blanking (VSYNC).

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