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Creating CD with integrated SP2 > 2 questions.

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Hi. Sorry for the newbie questions & please forgive my ignorance. I'd like to make a Win2K CD with integrated SP. I read the tutorials on this site but am unclear on 1 or 2 things.

Firstly, I am asked to copy my Win2K CD to a folder on my hard disk. Is this meant to be an image (iso) of my Win2K CD, or do I merely "select all" from within WinExplorer & copy the folders/files to the folder? If it is the latter choice, will my newly created CD-R be bootable if I just copy the files back to it once I am done?

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You need to copy the files over to the hard disk, then run the SP2 command to patch the files. You need to download the appropriate boot info, then make a bootable ISO.

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Can I delete the leave the Service Pack executable after it has patched/updated the files, or must I leave it with files?

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Read the instructions again, and think about what you ask.

Try following the list on a CDR-W so you don't waist it if you make mistakes.

To answer your question:

1) YES you have to copy/paste all files form CD to an empty folder on your HD

2) Run SP2 from a different folder and point it to the Win2k folder that is on the HD

The #2 will replace all required files to make the Windows 2000 with SP2 fixes. So you don't need the SP2 patch file any more but all the files from it will be included in the folder from step #1

3) If you kept reading the manual it would explain how to make the CD bootable. As I said, read and think before you ask, this ain't school.

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