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How can I control users and shares and such from my PDC over

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I have a Primary Domain Controller computer and I'd like to administrate it from my computer. How do I set this up? I want to be able to alter shares, security settings, and user settings with the Active Directory control. My computer is using Windows 2000 Professional and I am on the same LAN segment and domain.



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Install the ADMINPAK.MSI file from either the Win2K Server CD, or extract it from the service pack that you are currently using (preferrably from the same service pack revision that is active on both systems). That will give you all of your AD and server-services admin tools. You can also administer shares on any of your NT-based systems by right clicking on "My Computer", and selecting "Manage". From there, right click on "Local Computer" and select "Connect to another computer". Then, just select the machine you want to manage by using the browser pane, or entering the machine name/IP into the address bar.

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Just get the one out of Service Pack 2. Open up the service pack with WinZip (or similar compression utility), or you can even use the nifty command line switch (notice I wrote "nifty" as opposed to "handy", since it isn't "handy" as I can't "remember" it right now) to extract the files and get that "nifty" ( :)) utility.

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You will see the same tools under "Admin Tools" in program files that you see on the server. Therefore, you can do all the same stuff.

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