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Direct X harware issue in Direct 3d games

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Hi guys I'm new to this forum and I was hoping someone could help me out...heres my problem: in direct X accelerated games (open GL games work perfectly) my screen will skip every couple seconds...i have smooth play then skip smooth play skip...and I have tried disabling all background service and tasks, also tried up[censored] all my sound, RAID and video drivers but to no avail here my system config:


ABIT BE6-II with HPT 370 on board RAID (BIOS v.1.03b)

Pentium III 800 slot 1 (100mhz FSB)

2x 128MB sticks of PC100 SDRAM


Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1

IBM 30.7 GB 7200RPM HDD (connected to RAID controller but not part of a RAID)

Imation Super Disk Drive (connected to primary slave)

Toshiba DVD (connected as secondary master)

Plextor CDR (connected as primary master)

Win2k Pro SP2+ all updates

DirectX 8.0 plus Digital video patch


any insight to this problem would be greatly appreciated! thanks again...

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What game were you playing? While the skipping occures, do you have HDD or CD-ROM activity?


I had the same problem as you. Then I upgraded the memory of my machine to 512 MB RAM and told ( :)) W2k to stop the paging of running applications. No skipping anymore. But the memory load is enormous. I think I´m going for the 1GByte RAM soon...

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the skipping happens with any Direct3d game (ie GTA2, Thief2, Deux EX, X-Wing Alliance, ect.) No CDROM activity and no heavy HDD activity either, the wierd thing is I never used to have this problem yet now I do...thanks for the advice tho its greatly appreciated!

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My suggestion is to upgrade your RAM to 512 Megs. You won´t believe how much less swapping you have. I didn´t either ´til I upgraded wink


AFAIK, Direct3D needs more RAM than any other API. It was back in early 2000 when I first tried Unreal Tournament on my freshly installed W2k (don´t know what version it was, sorry). I was fortunate to find all the drivers I needed so I gave it a try. I first tested on my Voodoo 2 board. The game ran very smooth, just like expected from the GLIDE API. Later, I bought my GeForce DDR and set up UT to run on my new Graphics Board using Direct3D. Let me tell you I was happy once I was on GLIDE again smile


GLIDE is the most memory efficient API, then comes OpenGL followed by Direct3D.


Check if some of your buddies can borrow you some RAM for testing. Should take them less than an hour.

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Thanks for the tips but I found the problem...the problem was I had a MS sidewinder force feedback driver installed and it kept bogging down the system everytime it went to find the joystick (that had been disconnected) once I removed the driver everthing worked great!

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Noticed you mentioned GTA2 in one of your posts.

You probably already know about the patch for this game, but in case you don't.


GTA2 had a major slow down bug, after 10-15 minutes of play the game would slow down massively making the game more or less unplayable.

The 'Ice Cream Van' bonus stage showed this the best.

www.gta2.com has a patch which gets rid of all these errors.

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