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Razer Boomslang 1000 Review

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Slautech has posted a review on the Razer Boomslang


The drivers that come with the Boomslang provide many features other mice don´t offer. The best of these being the ´on the fly´ sensitivity change, this really comes into its own when railing in Quake 3, drop to a low sensitivity for railing then *bang* straight back up to a higher sensitivity for your rocket launcher.


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Isn't it almost pointless reviewing something which the company that produced it can't support? (www.razorzone.com for details) I don't know if they even produce them anymore or was this just a case of existing stock.


I used one of these, in fact it was number 255 according to the serial number. It now resides at the bottom of a land fill dump somewhere. Due to the very flat nature of the design it caused severe pain in the knuckle/tendon joint of my index finger, something I'd never experienced with the MS mice I'd used previously and currently.


The only good feature was the 'on-the-fly' sensitivity adjustment, but that would prove to be almost useless in the heat of an online battle.


I'd rate it as the worst mouse I'd ever used and therefore give it 2/10...only because the metal tin box it came in can be used for other things!

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