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Win95 NICs ?

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I'm desining network for this store and something is bothering me there.....

They still using Win95 and what will be implemented is a very simple network.... only will deals with database sharing....

But does the NICs nowdays support windows95? or I'll have to buy used ones?

I haven't been in stores lately, I'm kind of busy in some other projects....... Win95 in something feom the past right?

Should I force and upgrade to Win98? or should I stick with WIn95 and find some NICs win95 compatible?


Thanks guys



FTM cool

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Most of the NICs you'll find will run perfectly well under Windows 95.


Check the manufacturers website for driver details before buying them to be completely sure though.


I doubt you'll have any problems with compatibility. Forcing them to upgrade to Windows 98 is just likely to cause you extra grief. If you're going to force an upgrade on them, you'd be better off making it to Windows 2000.

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All hardware is pretty much compatible with Windows 95, it is the building block of all the new OSes. If they have Windows 98 drivers only they MAY work with 95, be careful though. Win95 is old but still supported. Although MS is stopping support of Windows 95 by the end of the year.

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