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weird question about my mouse

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I'm not sure if I should post this here or in Games, but its not specific to any game. When I am playing a FPS (First person shooter) I use my mouse to move, MOUSE1 = Strafe left/Mouse2 = Strafe right. Now I recently installed win2k and when playing a FPS sometimes I cannot hold both of these buttons at the same time, it sorta locks my mouse and I have to release both and click one or the other to fix it. In the gaming world this can slow you down and its a big problem with win2k that never happened in win98. So does anyone know anything to help me? Could this be an "Accessibilty Option"? I look in that menu and found several things for mouse settings, but none seemed to match my problem. Is there a way I can uninstall Accessibilty Options? confused I've got a Logitech MouseMan Wheel, altough I dont think that matters since this happens even with a different mouse, I've tried using generic drivers for a ps/2 mouse that was orginally installed in win2k (Used generic drivers in Win98 as well which were great), and I've also tried the Logitech MouseMan drivers.

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Logitech drivers suck totally. The default windows drivers allow both button push downs. I have done tests using default Win2k drivers, Mouseware 9.00, Mouseware 9.24 and Mouseware 9.28 and only the default Win2k drivers work good. This is for my USB Logitech Optical Scroll Mouse. Make sure you install Logitech mouse drivers but the ones that MS provides.

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