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File Sharing over 98

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Why is it that when you try to access a hard drive on a Win2k machine through a win98 machine, it gives you this weird password crap that no one I know has been able to deal with? I've tried to figure this out, but I still haven't gotten anywhere farther. Yeah I know Win98 sux, but just bear with me here; does anyone know how to get past this password screen and into a hard drive? Thanx for your time.



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You have 2 options, either enable the Guest account on the NT/2000 box or (for better security) create an account on the NT//2000 box.



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I just went through that. YOu have to have the same login name and password on both machines then it will work. Ya see, 2000 has to validate the name and loggin as being you.


HOpe this helps.

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Ive had this trouble also. It works if i create individual user accounts, but what do i need to do to enable the Guest accounts so anyone can access my shares?

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