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Win2k and screensaver

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Hello, I am having following problem with my Win2k. My Win2k keeps turning off screensaver after each shutdown. Whenever I turn on the screensaver, Win2k would lose the screensaver information when I shutdown the computer. So the next time when I start the computer, it would have "None" for Screensaver. Anybody know why is this happening? The only thing I installed on my computer recently before this started happening was POD Bot 2.0 and SBLive! Driver.


Win2k Server Edition w/ SP2

Abit SA6R w/ PIII-933

512 mb PC-133 SDRam

Geforce 2 GTS w/ 11.01 Detonator 3 driver


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Do you mean by, "turn on the screensaver," that you are clicking "Preview" in the screensaver options? If so, then that's you problem, you need to "Apply" it, before it gets saved.


If that's not what you mean, then I'm sorry, I've never seen this problem. I have had Win2K not be able to start some 3rd-party screensavers, though.



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Thanks for replying Down8. No, it wasn't my problem. Ok, let's say I just turn on my computer and it will have screensaver selected as "None." Then I go and pick a screensaver then click "Apply." So everything is good now. Whichever screensaver I choose will come up at the time I picked. Now, if I go and Shutdown my computer, this screensaver information is lost. The next time I turn on my computer, screensaver selected is "None." This is not really a big deal. I just use Power feature thing under Screensaver tab and I set like 30 minutes to turn off my monitor. I am just curious as to what is causing that screensaver problem.

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Just something odd, but have you fiddled with any Group Policy objects? Just a thought, but if a default setting for the screensaver was set then that could be overiding your preferences at every reboot.

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Yeah. That is wierd. I didn't mess around with the group policy. Strange, I will just suck it up until in October when Windows XP release in store. I am planning to upgrade to XP anyways.

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