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ThC 129

Autologin in 248x

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Ive noticed that the tweakUI autologin doesnt work anymore in 248x if you put a password on the account.


For example without a PW i login to my desktop auto, but once i put in a PW it says the PW i put in is invalid. I know the PW is right in tweakui so i was just wondering if there was a way to get winxp to autolog you in if you have a password on your account.

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If you are going to be logging in automatically just don't put in a password. I would imagion that if you changed your password back to nothing that would work again, although I can't test it right now because I am at work.

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well it works like that but that is the problem is that i want to have a password on this account. I guess we just have to wait for a tweakUI for XP or something.

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I guess I don't follow, what is the point of having a password on this account if you can logon automatically? Doesn't that just circumvent the other?

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because maybe he wants to lock his workstation, he does want SOME security, i have also tried here in 2481 , you're right, it always says that the system could not log me on. no clue on any fixes, sorry.

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its not a big deal because its an admin account and there is the default admin account if i need to do anything like remote desktop or something. Just kinda used to having the autologin with a PW happening. Not like i need security on this box anyway since its in my own home. 8)

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