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winxp 2481 and internet???help please

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i upgraded from win2kpro to winxp2481pro everything works fine except i cannot connect to the internet.i installed in standard pc mode and their are no irq conflicts.i reinstalled the nick it shows up in device manager ok but when i run the network troubleshooter it give a ping error(pinging the adapter i guess with the generic win ip).it will not release that ip and renew.since i run a dual boot to me i go into winme and their are no problems connecting to the internet.i tried assigning the same ip form me manualy in xp it acted like it would communicate but would not any ideas?i ran throught the internet connection wizard for ie as well?





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update i have tried a usb nic card um no go at all locks up the system


i tried another nic a linksys instead of the dlink i had in there exact same results when i run the network troubleshooter it flags the nic as the problem saying it cant ping it or update the ip address





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ok dudes i urgraded form win2kpro i finaly gave up formated fresh install nor upgrade no problems all peachy now




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U shouldn't install a fresh copy!!! Didn't u had any firewall programs like Fix-it 3, Norton, or Mcaffee, or even 3D programs that use Dongles and huge plugins like 3D Max R3 or R4 in the system??? So that's the cause of the internet!! U should olny uninstall those application and the internet would work fine.

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I just did a few tests here concerning the upgrade procedure. It worked fine from 2K to XP 2481, but I had problems trying to upgrade from previous XP builds. I typically just do a fresh install, especially with betas, and that file and settings migration tool makes it relatively painless. I still have to re-install my apps, but all my settings remained in tact.


I haven't tried upgrading from 9x or Me, so I'm not sure what will happen with that. That's something on my to do list when I have the inclination and the time to actually sit down and do it! :-)

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