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Keyboard characters and linux

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In windows you can hit alt+164 to create a n with a tilde over it..and like alt 161 to make a i with stress over it..etc...does linux have an equivalent system in it, or must you use the character map app, and do insert all the time? Just asking since i type several spanish papers=)


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In windows you can hit alt+164 to create a n with a tilde over it..and like alt 161 to make a i with stress over it..etc...does linux have an equivalent system in it, or must you use the character map app, and do insert all the time? Just asking since i type several spanish papers=)

You might try setting up another keyboard thing. I use Knoppix/Debian, and it has a German default layout, which when I first used it drove me batty, because some of the keys put in characters I didn't know... 8)

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hm what do you mean...i didn't set that up..it is universal in windows.

never had to open apps,.


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[alt]+three numbers = what ever character on code page.

instead of hitting enter [alt]013 and release [alt] smile convienent when some keys are useless.


Been around since DOS. (da ol' stuff smile )

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So, that is the map page...but does linux have someting link that where i can just memorize the command to enter teh characters? Right now i have to keep doing insert symbol/char to do it...or copy and pastin.


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I think there is a ..what was it for dos.. ACK.. DOSKEY !! smile


I think there is something similar. I can use my arrow keys for previous commands. I am not 100% sure. Sounds like you want more of a mouse menu to select from.

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As far as I know, there is nothing like that, but as I said, you can install a Spanish keyboard layout, and all the 'special' characters that Spanish uses will be there on your keyboard. In KDE, there is a thing similar to the Windoze 'tray' that has an icon that you can change from one to another. Mine changes from US to German to French anytime I need, or want to. (With this arrangement, you would have to learn where the keys are, but you would only have to press one key to put in a character, not four... 8)

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KK, well does anyone reccomend a certain one? I use gnome with fedora.

You'll find it in the gnome setup program, if it is available. I use KDE, so I can't say for sure gnome has it. Good luck, though. 8)

By the way, what word processor are you using? There may be some function in that that is more like what you are looking for. ;(

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pentinum...it has a char map...and keyboard set up...i guess wi'll mess around with that=p


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