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svchost.exe question

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now just how many of these do i need running?? I got 4 of the running under SYSTEM, 1 under LOCAL SERVICE and 1 under NETWORK SERVICE, each is using about 1.5 - 2MB ram and it doesn't seem like much, but they add up, i can understand one or two, but do i really need 6-8 of them running? and is there anyway to have Windows not start so many of them? One of them is using 15.7MB ram for god's sake. BTW, running build 2428.


[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 21 March 2001).]

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If you want less of these things, u need to and turn some of your services off. i believe they are mostly critical services, but you can turn some of them. its kinda hit or miss for awhile because in the services they aren't under svchost but other names. so just go around turning 1 service off at a time, to see if it gets rid of any of your svchosts. but i think at least 3 of them are critical and can't be turned off without ****ing the OS.


hope this helped, sorry but i can't explain things very well so u may have to read post twice to see what i'm getting at.

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have you actually counted the services? there's like a thousand of them, screw using the trial and error method, takes too long, don't have to worry about that now i got 768mb pc133 cas2 ram (3x256), and besides, in 2481 i only have four of them now and it they only use 14-20mb total. thanks anyway.

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