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Whistler 2257....

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well, it was a tough week without whistler 2257 not being mine...


and now as we speak, i'm downloading Whistler Personal build 2257.


How sweet it is smile






Because I can.....


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thats cool personally im going to wait for the beta before i put another whistler build on. The Alphas arent stable enough to run everything and stay up plus some of the wierd little things the alphas do get annoying too. Otherwise its a great OS people, if you like Win2k you should go out and try whistler thats better than 2k even in the alpha.

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I agree, i recently aquired build 2250, let me say its outstanding, wouldn't install at first, had to take my modem and old soundcard out first.

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Whistler 2257....just installed it....


i'm speechless...


it kicks major ass over 2250, more GUI enchancements, the bugs I submitted were found and fixed, there are more features and more customizable things....overall 2257 is awesome, now i'm going to search to find out if Whistler 2257 calls home and if so, how I can stop that from happening smile

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I'm using it full-time now. Why you ask? well I can't get the satelite tuner software to work in win2k, but it does in both 2250 and 2257! It's been half a year since I have used my satelitemodem.


Man do I love this OS, even it is only Alpha heehee


Though I get BSOD every now and then with Opera 4.01. Probably the skinning feature.

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Where can I download the latest version. A friend of mine is testing it at his work and says its excellent but he cannot get me a copy due to his company being strict.


Hope you can help,



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oh my god...


a browser...oh no, he is using a browser...


and your point is? if you think that Whistler calls home, you have been had. Because it doesn't call home, that is a rumor that was started by somebody.

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No smartass. I'm waiting for Gambler to tell me what I'm missing using IE5.5 that he is getting by using Opera.

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I must say, after installing Whistler 2257, i AM impressed with its stability and beauty, I recommend the following:


400MHz or Faster cpu and

at least 64MB ram (128 recommended)

anything lower than that and it just won't be zippy enough.

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It is pretty sharp-looking and seems more responsive than Win2k Pro. However, anyone installing it should be prepared for compatiblity issues (as in the case with Win2k) - my Epson Stylus Color 860's status monitor crashes in Whistler Personal build 2257. I imagine that cd burning and network apps such as firewalls and NAT might be problematic at this time. Did any of you check out the Personal Firewall option? That looks promising :-)


If anyone has a line on a Pro version (that will upgrade Win2k Pro) that is newer than 2250, please cd me at 43462208 and I will be happy to line you up with some stuff in return :-)







92% of the things we worry about don't happen - but the other 8% DO!


PIII 650@850

BE6-II Mobo with 192 mb ram

20 gig Quantum KX 8 gig Quantum CR

SBlive Value

Voodooo3 3000 AGP

... and a bunch of USB Stuff

Windows 2000 Pro Retail

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personal firewalls didnt like Whistler very well. Nor does diskeeper. I asked diskeeper when they would have a whistler compatible version but they dont know.

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Just installed Whistler 2257, what a lovely little OS. Can't get any damn sound of it tho, SB16 aswell! Perhaps i should by a better sound card... I like the cluttered up desktop, with so many icons, such as recycle bin, and thats about it. Nice...

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cluttered? it has three icons on the desktop, but I don't like that. I changed it but to classic start menu, so I could have my icons back

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Yeah what is the deal with that I think that MS should put the icons back on the desktop. cause the new theme is cool but people are gonna want to have the other icons on the desktop.

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sources say that you should expect to see those icons go back onto the desktop or at least have an option to do that. I was told that they only took the icons off to test the start panel to make sure you could access My Computer and all of those through the panel

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J_Pro, yes Opera is a browser, that is right. I use it because it is excellent for pr0n surfing. I use it only for pr0n surfing. Super-fast, all those 30+ windows in a single window, crtl-shift-click and the link downloads stealthy in another window behind the original. Great for lots and lots of thumbs, just ctrl-shift-click-click-click-click etc.


Did I mention it is fast?


Other than that, yeah Eddi, it sucks. Use IE instead.


Nice pics BTW


Yes, OPTIONS I would like more options for custimization and such.

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Has anyone installed Whistler on a K6-2? It doesn't want to start the NT kernel on the setup portion. It just sits there saying Starting Windows Whistler. I've had the same problems with the last two releases. I haven't tried Neptune, but I'm running Windows 2000 just fine now. What could they have done to the kernel to make it just not like my computer anymore.

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Yes there was. It was the consumer NT project that got merged with the business NT project to make Whistler. I'm trying to figure out when the kernel stoped working on my machine.

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