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Multiboot programs ?

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Hi everyone !

I have W2000, w98 and linux installed on my computer (each one on a primary partition) but i can't succeed in chosing one of them from the boot :

W2000 has installed NT loader on my w98 partition ( choice between w98 and w2000 but not linux) and lilo is not really fine.

How can i modify the ntloader to consider every system?

Or is there a freeware loader loader which can do it quite well (i've tried boot it -> can't run w2000 and bootmaster which crashed my table partition)???


Many thanks for answers !

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Well, it all depends on your choice of bootloaders. You can either edit the NT loader to include all 2 OSes, or u can use LILO...there is a catch to the order u install all these OSes. I suggest first should have been W98, then Linux, then W2K.

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You can use the NT Loader to boot all 3, incl. Linux.

Here some links:

- http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Linux+NT-Loader.html

- http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Multiboot-with-LILO.html

- http://www.glideunderground.com/articles/multipleos/

- http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/osbooting/tripleb.html

- http://www.systemlogic.net/articles/1999/september/multipleboot/


I like to use the NT Loader since WIn2k is the OS that'll stay on my system for a long time.



DocSilly members.bigfoot.com/~albern

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Thank you Docsilly, i use your solution and that's right , it works very well

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