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Where can i found AOL 6 beta ??

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From the news archives: "AOL 5.0 for Windows 2000 Posted Thursday, August 10, 2000

Thanks to Matt for informing me that AOL has released AOL 5.0 for Windows 2000. You have to be signed on to AOL using Windows 2000 to get it, which is kind of hard for some people."


I realize the above references AOL 5, not 6. Try asking AOL.




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simple to get, log on to aol goto keyword beta you will get a short question form.. fill it out (do this on a win2k machine) and in 24-36 hours you will be "let in" to beta testing from then on checking keyword beta lets you download all the betas that run on the os that that aol client is connecting through (aol6 for win2k can only be download from a win2k machine etc)


hope this helps any questions send a private message and i will try to help

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Wow, so ya can't download AOL 6.0 beta without getting on to AOL with an earlier version, however no earlier versions work for you? That's really screwy, give AOL an email from another computer, or OS and have then email you an FTP link or email the whole beta itself. How else can ya get it? That's rough.

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And for the love of God, why would you want a BETA of AOL? AOL 5.0 was Russian Rullette (I probably spelled it wrong) with 3 bullets. AOL 6 BETA sounds like filling the wheel, and pulling the trigger six times.

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