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Everything posted by Curley_Boy

  1. Thx thats put my mind at rest at least... But is there any way of searching out and removing the old entries on disk or in the registry in one go? (either from within Windows, or using a 3rd party util).
  2. Curley_Boy

    Share favourites with Mozilla and IE6?

    Thanks m8! No more links hassle
  3. Whilst trying to save memory I removed the parport driver in device manager.. and now we have a new printer I need it back. How do I get Windows XP to reinstall this driver? It recognises the Port and the Printer but parport.sys isn't loaded.
  4. Curley_Boy

    Detonator Issues

    ok guys I fixed it! go to www.guru3d.com/files > Drivers > Dentonator Drivers, and download the Dentonator-4.41-Fix.exe. (It should work for all upgrades from 30.xx to 40.xx). Then go control panel, uninstall the 30 series dets, reboot, install 40 ones (turn off virus checker first), reboot, run the util listed above, reboot. If you already have the 40 series installed and have the rundll32 prob just download and run the util, no need to downgrade to 30.xx versions first. Hope this helps
  5. Curley_Boy

    Detonator Issues

    I have the same problem (GF3 Ti200, NV dets 40.72). I upgrade from the 30.82's and the Nvidia tab in advanced display properties gives me a rundll32 error. The thing is I had this problem under 2000 aswell. To fix a det driver upgrade then I had to search the disk for all the left over files from the uninstall process and then clean out the registry (the problem there was insufficiant access rights on certain keys nackering up the install process, even under the admin account). However under XP things are more complicated since it has built in support for the Ti200, so there are registry entrys for the Microsoft versions of the drivers (required for system operation) and the Nvidia ones. God knows how im supposed to find the right ones!! Does anyone have any ideas? As Im trying to sort out stablility problems with my gfx card with the driver upadates and half installed drivers aren't going to help much me thinks.
  6. Curley_Boy

    stop error with NV4_DISP.DLL plz help!

    Thanks for the replies: the BSOD seems to occur when I try and open something eg a picture or a video file... even occured once when I quit GTA III too. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it. Since it has only just started occuring this past month or so Im assuming its something I've done to the system but im not sure what. I'd doubt the GPU temp is too high (unless the fans are broke) because I don't overclock it. I might try some alternative BIOS configs.. I have it set to fail-safe mode atm just to be on the safe side. My bet is that's its the dodgy RAM I've got in the machine.. I should be switching to a single module of Crucial stuff soon so that should improve stability.
  7. Curley_Boy

    How do I re-install the parport.sys driver?

    I know paraport.sys isn't loaded because it doesn't appear in the loaded modules list in msinfo32. I deleted it from the 'non-plug n play drivers' list in device manager. However I have found it's key in the registry, does anyone know what value will reload it to 'on demand mode'?
  8. Does anyone know if the people at www.lockdowncorp.com are genuine? I found a rather dodgy bit of html code on one of thier web forms, take a look at this: Url: http://lockdowncorp.com/bots/downloadswatit.html <form method=POST action="https://www.lockdown2000.com/cgi-bin/swatit.cgi"> <div align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#000000"> <input type=hidden name="recipient" value="regswat@lockdowncorp.com"> <input type=hidden name="env_report"value="REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR,HTTP_VIA,HTTP_USER_AGENT"> <input type=hidden name="sort" value="order:email,Your Name,I Heard About Swat It From"> <input type=hidden name="required" value="email,Your Name"> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="5">Download Swat It Now</font><br> </font> </div> (I apologise if the alinement isn't quite right) If you click on the above link you'll see a page offering you a trojan scanner and you have to fill in the usual e-mail, name etc and then click on a form button. Now why would they need my IP enviroment and User Agent string? Hmm and it seems to mail it directly to thier server... no mention of that in the small print anywhere. Seems very dodgy to me, anyone have anymore info on them?
  9. Is there any way to change the information Mozilla reports to web pages about itself and the system its on? I've manged it with IE6 and regedit. Eg at the mo its; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826 How can I change this information?
  10. I remember when I was using 98 I could search for the serial key in the registry.. but it doesn't show up in XP. Could someone tell me where to find it plz?
  11. I read an article on viahardware.com that suggested a huge performance boost would be evident if I upgraded my 2 HDDs to dynamic disks. This I did only to discover that not only was there NO noticable difference in speed but my page file usage had increased (for no reason that I can yet deduce by nearly 20mb overall, ie on the whole programs tend to be using more VM than they should really need) In particular the main culprits are explorer.exe and svchost.exe, which is odd because I turned off all the GUI bloat I could manage without and have disabled most of the unessary background services. My disks are in this configuration: DISK0: (C Simple Dynamic (MBR) NTFS (System) 28642Mb 25% Free Space [Maxtor 5T030H3, ATA-133, 7200rpm, Primary Master] DISK1: (D Simple Dynamic (MBR) NTFS 19540Mb 22% Free Space [Maxtor 52049H4, ATA-100, 7200rpm, Secondary Master] My 2nd drive which i use just for file storage (D is a compressed disk, and the C: drive uses file compression in certain directories. Now aside laughing at my stupidity can anyone tell me what might be done to improve the situation at all?
  12. Curley_Boy

    Dynamic Disks on XP Pro WTF??

    There is no performance decrease or increase that I am aware of... however page file usaged has increased since the upgrade... and im not sure what else it could be since I noticed the difference through taskmaner's performance tab after a direct reboot
  13. Curley_Boy

    Windows 2000 SP3 is here

    Well I've upgraded to XP now... so the bug no longer affects me
  14. Curley_Boy

    Machine Check: Regs in event viewer on boot

    nope I think it's something to do with a system service.. god knows which one though!
  15. Could some plz explain to me why Diskeeper periodically leaves the following message in the event viewer: Source: DCOM Event ID: 10010 Type: Error User: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM The server {80EE4901-33A8-11D1-A213-0080C88593A5} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout. The message refers to the diskeep NTFS engine (acording to a registry search). Now I've been disabling alot of services recently, to avoid alot of headaches does anyone know of any that diskeeper relies on? (aside RPC Server).
  16. Curley_Boy

    clear out msconfig startup list?

    I'm often using msconfig to clear out junk that gets started with the PC... but over time the list gets cluttered.. how can I clear out old/duplicate entries?
  17. I'm currently using BT as my ISP but thier threating to cut us off for using the net for more than 12 hours per day... im on a dial up (WinXP SP1 took 2 days to get). The point is I need to change ISPs quick as they will cut us off from the 28th this month... However my dad is willing to put up with BTs threating and appaulling service because he doesn't want to change his e-mail address... GOD! So is there any way once we've signed up with another ISP to access the old BT e-mail servers (I still have all the server and account details to hand). Plus is it standard practice for an ISP to delete e-mail accounts once a user has been cut off / discontinued thier contract? (if so Im really buggered) Perhaps another <sarc> happy BT customer </sarc> could help me out here cus frankly I've had all the S*** I can take from them, and I know I'm not the only one out there! ;( ;( ;(
  18. When we signed up it was £9.99 per month (including VAT) for unlimited use during off-peak hours (6pm - 8am weekdays, all day at weekends). However a few months back they changed the deal to limit the maximum access time to 12 hours in any 24hr period. PLUS we are now paying £15.99 per month for less time and NO extra benifits... in fact the service is awful and you get disconnected once every 2 hours (as stated in the small print, but in reality it's usually more) and tech support / complaints have been made deliberatly hard (nigh impossible) to get. However all of this is legal because the small print states that BT hold the rights to change the terms and conditions of access as and when they plz. ;( Try explaining to your computer illterate dad why SP or game patches are needed and thats whats taking all the hours up... XP SP1 134Mb.... HL 100Mb plus..
  19. Curley_Boy

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    It all depends on whether your setup prefers 2k or XP and the only way to find out is through trial and error. Niether OS 'sucks' its all down to personal peference and machine setup. If you don't like the 'bloat' in XP then turn off all the fancy effects and background services... and there are plenty of registry tweaks on the net to disable the notifier.. messenger etc. Personally I had 2k on for about a year... my sound card stutterd and crackled and it took many SPs, driver updates and hardware swapping/reconfigs to stop it from BSOD'ing.... not to mention all the memory errors and app crashes I had! SP3 was the last straw as it effectivly killed the OS! Under XP Pro I had a few teething problems but once those were out of the way and I tweaked it to my liking I would *never* go back, its far more stable and system restore + recovery console has given me a virtually bullet proof OS
  20. Curley_Boy

    40.41 Det's - BSOD

    Well this is interesting I have a very simlar spec to yours and I haven't experienced any probs with the 40.41 series (in fact alot of games are noticably quicker). ABIT KT7E [KT-133E (VT8363,686B) {BIOS 3R}] AMD T-Bird 1.1GHz CPU Ge-Force 3 Ti 200 (Nvidia 40.41) Maxtor HDD's VIA 4in1 4.42 Windows XP Pro 2600 SP1 Have you tried disabling any overclocking you have and setting your BIOS to fail safe defaults? I've found that when ever I set my memory speeds to over optimistic settings I get various BSODs. eg STOP 0x50 in NV4_Disp.dll. Try it and see if your crashes go away... it worked for me which is why I never bother with too much tweaking OC'ing as VIA are just too unstable for it in my experience.
  21. After some system tweaking I seemed to have lost the security tab on file property sheets in windows explorer, can someone tell me how to get it back plz thx
  22. Curley_Boy

    Security Tab missing in Windows explorer

    Thx, I figured that one out about 10mins after I posted the above ;(
  23. My event logs keep reporting these events, can anyone shed any light on this plz? Catagory: Account Logon Event ID: 680 User: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Logon attempt by: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0 Logon account: **** Source Workstation: **** Error Code: 0xC000006A Catagory: Logon/Log off Event ID: 529 User: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Logon Failure: Reason: Unknown user name or bad password User Name: **** Domain: **** Logon Type: 2 Logon Process: Advapi Authentication Package: Negotiate Workstation Name: **** The above events appear 4 times each logon... the system has no other longon probs though, Just these entries.
  24. Curley_Boy

    Can anyone identify these logon events plz?

    I set up auditing for logon/log off events... As far as I remember it showed up from the start ie clean install (so not likely to be hackers, ditto for Win2000). I've traced it down (I think) to my firewall software which blocks alot of stuff. Not too worry as I clean out the event logs once a week anyhow.
  25. Just wondering since I use the Contig.exe util to clean up the bits that diskeeper misses and 'System Volume Information' has only SYSTEM access rights an i have to change this every time I defrag. Would be quicker if I could just give contig the access rights it needs for just that folder. Can it be done.. or does anyone have a better idea?