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Everything posted by Sampson

  1. You may already have tried this. Seems like we are scraping the bottom of the barrel: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore. If a "DisableSR" value doesn't exist, go to the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value, and create the value. Set the value to 1 to disable System Restore or 0 to enable System Restore. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sr to prevent the System Restore service from starting. Double-click Start, and set the value to 4 to stop the service from starting or to 0 for normal startup. Close the registry editor. After making SR disabled in services, try to open SR (no reboot) in CP/Services if it says "SR is off, would you like to turn on", say yes and and see if it will run.
  2. There have been so many suggestions that this is getting dizzying. Did you perchance run srdiag.exe?
  3. Sampson

    System Restore Component

    shassouneh, who are you writing this to? This thread is five years old!!!!!
  4. Sampson

    sims 2 wont work !

    What is a blank error?
  5. Sampson

    Maxtor OneTouch II xp drivers needed!

    This is an update utility: http://www.maxtor.com/portal/site/Maxtor...;downloadID=116
  6. Just on the chance that you tried to remove IE as you wanted to from one of your previous posts, perhaps you inadvertantly removed two files that you need for system restore that is actually part of IE: %WinRoot%\System32\hlink.dll and %WinRoot%\pchealth\helpctr\binaries\pchshell.dll
  7. Sampson

    First full Build - check over pelase

    The only thing I might suggest is using a Raid 5 configuration. That will mean getting a couple more hard drives and blowing your budget big time, but since you intend to keep this system for a few years, and you are counting on dependability, having the machine striped in such a way that if one hard drive fails, slapping a new one in and having the other two drives restripe it, at least in theory, gives you some breathing room in case you are not a compulsive about backing up your system. Since you have plans to tax this machine pretty hard, your hard disk will be the one of the most vulnerable components from shear wear. [Edited by Sampson on 2006-01-02 15:16:17]
  8. Sampson

    problem installing Sims 2 on disc 3...

    Refer to this thread: http://www.ntcompatible.com/sims_2_installation_t33849.html to copy and install sims 2 to the hard drive.
  9. Sampson

    E-Mail problem need help quickly

    If you look at the way the bad url is written, it is saying that you are using an ie plugin or a toolbar which is redirecting your inquiry. Your browser may have been hijacked by some software which is trying to redirect you to a website where you actually don't want to go. You need to run your anti-virus, your spyware virus software and BHODemon.
  10. Sampson

    E-Mail problem need help quickly

    You need to give us a lot more information. Are you retrieving your email by going to a webpage and punching in your name and password? Or are you using Outlook or some other email program? What browser are you using? Whan you go to any website, do you get this message?
  11. After checking out whether your connector is making contact, you might want to answer these questions. Were you using the MSI drivers with your old card, in other words, the ones from your CD or what you may have downloaded from MSI? Did you remove these drivers before putting your Gigabyte card in? MSI does some nifty things with their drivers but they need an MSI card. They will often not work with a non MSI card even though each is based on the nVidia universal driver sets.
  12. Sampson


    Let's see if it is the firewall. Do the following: Click Start, click Run, type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK. Type the following command, and then press ENTER: netsh firewall set portopening tcp 445 smb enable
  13. Right click on My Computer, then click on Properties from the menu that appears, then click on the Hardware tab, then click on the Device Manager button, then click on the "+" next to Display Adapters. This will open up and show you a subentry which should display the name of your card or onboard device.
  14. Sampson


    Sorry, you may not have the xcacls support program. You can download it with all of the support tools for XP here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detai...;displaylang=en or you can download just xcacls alone here (pay no attention that is in the W2K section, it works): http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/existing/xcacls-o.asp
  15. Sampson


    Let's see what permissions you've granted your shared folder: To examine a user's permissions on a file or folder using Xcacls 1.Open a command prompt. Click Start, click Run, and type cmd. 2.Type:Xcacls FileOrFolderPath 3.Examine the user's permissions and compare with the desired permissions. The following is an example of the preceding Xcacls command: Xcacls C:\Tools
  16. Sampson


    Presuming that these computers are in the same Workgroup, and presuming that your firewall is not allowing one to read the other, check to see if the Networking support boxes are checked: Start > Set Program Access and Defaults > Add/Remove Windows Components > Networking Services
  17. If that doesn't work, this is Microsoft's take on it: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=301224 Or you could just try to reinstall system restore: goto START>RUN> type c:\windows\inf hit enter and look for the file, SR.inf right click it and click on Install insert the XP CD, and complete the instaltion restart and check now
  18. Sampson

    Problems with helpsvc.exe

    Well, this is a hotfix; it also happens to be one of those that Microsoft wants to charge you for. So, it will be up to you to "phone home" and get it (or until Microsoft relents on its Ebeneezer Scrooge imitation). Meanwhile, there are a couple of workarounds posted here.
  19. Sampson

    Video Cards Dell Dimension 2350

    Go to this page to see what is available: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?CatId=319&
  20. If you have the onboard Intel chipset: IntelĀ® 82815 Graphics Controller and IntelĀ® 82810 Graphics Controller - in theory it will run if you do what is listed above. However, it won't run well if at all. Tell us what your video card is and we may be able to help.
  21. Sampson

    Logitech Quickcam Messenger

    Unfortunately, these CD's vary. Generally, however, the inf file is in the same directory as the setup.exe.
  22. Sampson

    problem with my graphics drivers.. i think

    Sorry, Diamondis, that the simpler things didn't work. Relic seems to think that it has something with the AGP chipset drivers. That may well be the problem. What I would ask you to do in the meantime is monitor the Task Manager. It only requires you to hit Ctrl-Shift and ESC to bring it up. What most people think that is happening is that another program or process interferes with the nvidia drivers and competes for a particular memory address. Just watch the progams that grow larger as you use your computer on the internet.
  23. Sampson

    problem with my graphics drivers.. i think

    It may be any number of things including a bad card. But, what usually sets off nVidia drivers is that they interfere in the memory space of another process or program. This does not happen at first, but seemingly randomly the screen goes blank, blinks, and if you have the BSOD report it will tell you that there has been a memory conflict and it will point the finger at nv4_disp.dll. One method of stopping this is the following: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Display. 2. On the Settings tab, click Advanced, and then click the Troubleshoot tab. 3. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider to None, and then click to clear the Enable Write Combining check box. 4. Click OK, and then click OK. It doesn't always work. This is also called the nVidia infinite loop problem. To date no one seems to have a resolution for it. That having been said, when you load up your browser (since you seem to be able to trigger it going on the net), bring up your Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-ESC), note the amount of memory being used. (Pay attention to those which use more than 20,000 bytes and those that grow by 10,000 to 30,000 more. Everytime you load a new page or whatever bring up the Task Manager and note the differences in programs. What could be happening is that some program or process grows to the point that the driver and the process exceed or conflict with each other for memory space. If the program is something like a popup blocker you could shut it down then bring it back up for it to release some memory and not have the machine crash.
  24. Do you have both .net Framework 2.0 and 1.1 installed on your machine?
  25. Interesting. There should be a little hand on the folder that you want to share. Possibly, you used the wizard to make it shareable originally. What you will want to do is - using windows explorer, click on the folder, then right click on it and after choosing Sharing and Security remove its shareability. The hand should disappear. Then, right click on the folder, choose Sharing and Security. Sometimes a window comes up and warns you about Sharing and that you should use the wizard - don't - just choose the selection that lets you make it shareable. After choosing that a window will pop up with three tabs. The middle one should be selected. You can read in the middle of the window, that you can click on making it shareable, give it a password, and also allow users to modify it. Then, you will need to go to each computer that accesses that folder and clicking on it will provide a dialogue window where the userid and password has to be supplied. When you do so correctly, it will ask you if you want it to remember this setting. Tell it yes.