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Posts posted by Shepski

  1. I need the date format to be in UK format eg. 15/03/2002. I have setup the regional settings for the date and time which all appear to work but if I request the date using ASP it displays it as 3/15/02


    Where am I going wrong? there must be something I have missed.

  2. i have had this problem before and for some reason it just went away. after a few more months it has now re-appeared frown


    i have perl, php and mysql on the server.


    I have set the permissions for the use of this file (ntvdm.exe in system32 dir) to only system and admin users have access to run it etc, users can only read it and all others are denied.


    Anyone have any ideas on this and how to stop it spanking the server?

  3. We have to change our IP address for our NT server but we have about 100 domains in IIS all using the current IP.


    Is there a quick way of changing every reference to the current IP to the new IP including under Advanced Multiple Web Site Configuration or is it a case of going thru each domain and changing it manually?

  4. Hi,


    I have installed JMail on a win2k advanced server but people find it very difficult to use and are requesting the ability to use sendmail on the NT. Now I have seen this done in perl but dont know where to find the relevant script.


    Can anyone help?

  5. What NTVDM is doing running at 100% cpu usage!!


    Only way I can stop it is by rebooting the server frown


    Its a win2k advanced server.


    Any help appreciated.


