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Posts posted by insaNity

  1. To optimise it for desktop performance, you would have to change some of the server optimsations back. What I can think of so far:


    [*]You would probably have to tweak the cache (use something like CacheMan


    [*]Process Priorities: Server is set to give priority to background apps rather than foreground. Find (the equivelent of) Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance/Settings > Advanced Processor Scheduling.


    [*]DirectX acceleration (thanks DosFreak)


    [*]Logging. The server is probably set up for heavy logging/crash dumps. There are a few different locations to change this.

    One is Control Panel > System > Advanced > Startup & Recovery/Settings, There's also NTFS logging I believe, and dr Watson (drwtsn32.exe) and I'm willing to bet there's some other performance meters, etc running that you will have to find a way to disable.


    [*]Services. There would be a lot more services enabled by default that do nothing usefull for a desktop OS than chew up resources.



    Maybe we could get a more detailed version of this... any others?

  2. Quote:

    You probably haven't noticed anything because there may not have been anything to notice. This particular tweak applied to older processor technologies, and is not needed with more modern hardware. For a full explanation, check this out:


    Thanks clutch, I had my suspicions on that one. There are so many "tweaks" That don't do anything or are someones hunch blown out of proportion.

    If you look in a popular tweaking program like TweakXP even, under "hardware tweaks/cpu tweaks", you will find this setting. I mean, all or at least nearly all (can anyone confirm this) the choices there are hardware this tweak doesn't even apply to (an anything it does probably wouldn't run XP that well anyway).
    Do the authors realise it does nothing yet include it anyway to make you feel you are getting value for money? Or do they simply just blindly put any rumour they hear of straight into their product, without doing the research first?

    I'm also tired of the people that tweak simpily because they can (toggle an option without even thinking which way suites them) and complain later that their windows is faulty.

    Just be more careful with the tweaks people. If they don't improve the performance, change them back.

    But the main responsibility is on the authors of these guides/commercial tweak products.

  3. Quote:

    What do you mean by 'locked files' ? The attrib command should take care of this, no ? And, what unusual characters ?

    Files are marked as 'locked' by the operating system usually if they are in use (in write mode) so other programs can't alter them. If you are multitasking and several programs are writing to different parts of the file, programs would be editing different versions of it, and it could become corrupt or cause the programs to fail.

    'Locked' is not an attribute as such.

    You can close a file from the command line (is it the "net file" command?) But I'm not totally sure how this works or whether it would even let you close all files.

    By 'Unusual characters' I mean filenames containing characters other than the standard alpha-number range (a-z, 0-9 plus a few symbols) or ASCII characters off the usual range.

    Most of my experiences are with Win9x, but maybe NT has the same problem with this type of filename.

  4. Reboot in dos mode?

    err..maybe a dos boot disk if you are using FAT32, otherwise the recovery console?


    Anyway I think the cause is the files are either locked (in use) or have invalid characters in the name. Try a Scandisk, then try deleting them in safe mode.

  5. lol, I'm sorry man :P


    I did have to go to the bios and set auto detect in the hd as the first boot
    Well that is fairly normal for having a flat battery so no probs there.


    In addition now when I rebbot I have a tsc.exe cant find local drive\ blada blada blad but that appears to be just something to do with pc-cillon .

    Yeah, I think you are right, it could be the "Trojan System Cleaner" tool. That was probably nothing to do with the whole battery thing.


    Thanks for trying it for us. No doubt this topic will save me in the future. I owe you one wink



  6. Also note I just tried it again while writing this, and my music/mouse didn't work. I tried it a couple of times then they were working...hmmm.


    Let me know how it goes. I think we can overcome any potential problems.

  7. Hi, I have this great classic, Day of the Tentacle running perfectly under XP. It took me a while to get the sound running properly.


    You will need:

    VDMSound to emulate direct hardware support for DOS games with Sound.


    Day of the Tentacle sound Updates The roland update is the important one But I applied all the relevant ones.




    You will need to run both the setup, and the game with VDMS. I have it going well with these settings, but you might have to tweak it around a little:


    Muisc: Roland (port 330)

    Voice: SoundBlaster (port 220, IRQ 7, Buffer 64)

    Control: Mouse & keyboard



    -I have the floppy version, not cd version of the game.

    -VDMsound supports other sound cards, which you might like to try.

    -I had problems with the game freezing until I increased the sound buffer to maximum.

    -I'm not using compatibility mode.

  8. hmm...

    I just did a test and noticed mine is also greyed out. Of course, I haven't noticed because I use an awesome download managerawesome download manager which is a getright clone. It let's you not only open them after transfer, but also has the option to look at the file listing inside ZIP's BEFORE you download them.


    But enough of the advertising :P


    Maybe it's something to do with file-types and associations (advanced side of it in registy, not folder options)

    Or in one of the internet explorer file-type registry entries.


    Also another possibility - I have removed XP's shell support for ZIP files. (Unregisterd the .dlls) Have you also done this?


    Maybe it is just never there to begin with..Anyone with a fresh install?

  9. I burn custom Data CD's in Track-At-Once (TAO), cd-duplicated in RAW-Disc-At-Once, audio CD's (CDDA) in Disc-At-Once (DAO).


    DAO is much better for CDDA anyway, as it prevents noise at the start/end of tracks that some people might notice with home-burned audio compilations. It also has some other advantages if you are into advanced settings/effects.


    But I would try to work out the problem still, as it would be nice to be able to fill the cd to the brim, and TAO SHOULD work, which shows signs your burner isn't quite installed correctly. There might be other issues down the track (no pun intended).


    If you are intrested in trying to solve the issue's, I would do it in roughly this order:

    [*]Try another blank cd brand.

    [*]Try another burning program. Though I admit to being a little anti-EZCD, It would also be useful for narrowing the problem down. If it happens in other burning apps, its a lower level problem. (software, then drivers, then hardware) I recommend Nero Burning ROM

    [*]Check for ASPI layer Updates

    [*]Check for Easy CD-Creator Updates from Roxio

    [*]Check for new IDE bus master drivers (or USB or SCSI, which ever it happens to be) - probably from your chipset manufacturer (eg Intel, VIA, SiS...)

    [*]check for firmware updates for your burner

    [*]Check that the drive is installed correctly (master-slave, cable order if on a UDMA66+ cable, BIOS settings)

    [*]Try DMA on and off.



    Yes, I do post just for the hell of it. -insaNity

  10. In the old days at least, M4Carbine would be completely right. They work fine with a flat battery but will lose settings if turned off for a few minutes.


    But I think some of the newer boards use a different system, and some are even battery-less.


    Anyone care to explain how it all works these days?
