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Admiral LSD

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Everything posted by Admiral LSD

  1. Yeah, hdparm can be like that but you need to enable DMA on your driver before you'll get any decent performance out of it. From memory though, I do believe there are patches to the kernel siimage driver which automatically set the DMA modes (like the one that solved the exact same problem with the nForce2 onboard PATA channels) but they may only be for 2.5/2.6. You're bound to find more information on that by Googling though so that's what I'd suggest you do. It's not a definitve benchmark by any stretch of imagination but you can get a reasonable estimate of your HDD transfer speed by again using the hdparm command: Code: hdparm -Tt /dev/hd* In your case it'd be: Code: hdparm -Tt /dev/hde This'll give you 2 figures: buffered reads and unbuffered reads. It's the latter you're most interested in, the former will always give some kind of ridiculous number.
  2. Try the hdparm command mentioned earlier in the thread, that should help a bit. What's happening is that it might be detecting the controller but it's not setting the correct DMA mode resulting in the effect you describe. If you don't want to have to enter the command every time you log in open up the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local (I think that's where it is, my memory of Red Hat is fading fast) and add it to the end.
  3. Admiral LSD

    Best Distro for development?

    Well it depends on how close you want to get to the "bleeding edge." A Gentoo system, emerged from Stage 1 and against the ~x86 package set will have pretty much the absolute latest versions of all the major Linux development tools (gcc, glibc etc) but there is an increased risk here of a dud ebuild slipping through the net and breaking things quite spectacularly. This happened quite recently with a gcc update that caused pretty much everything compiled with it to screw up in some way. It was quickly rectified (the ebuild was masked and the package downgraded until a proper fix could be found) but as everything compiled with the dud gcc had to be recompiled again afterward, it left people with a fair amount of work before they had their systems running up to speed again.
  4. Admiral LSD

    MSN 6.x Client

    Gaim is probably the MSN (it can also connect to otehr services like AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, Napster, Zephyr and Gadu-Gadu) client you want to be using but as to whether it'll work after the "cut off" point remains to be seen. Install gaim anyway for now and if it doesn't work take their advice and migrate all your MSN buddies to Jabber
  5. Admiral LSD

    Debian ISO's

    If your system can boot from CD (which is probably every motherboard produced in at least the last 7 years) then all you have to do is burn the ISOs to CD (using the image recording functions of your particular recording software) and then set your BIOS to boot from CD, put the first disc in on the next boot and hopefully you'll be greeted with the standard ISOLINUX boot prompt where you can kickstart the installation (assuming all your hardware is supported by either Linux 2.2 or 2.4.18).
  6. Admiral LSD

    Where to save rpm's to??

    You can save them anywhere provided you supply the full path to the rpm if it's anywhere but the current working directory: Code: rpm -ivh /home/hollywood/whatever-1.2.3-i386.rpm
  7. Admiral LSD

    Debian or gentoo?

    Quote: 3. A significant number of Gentoo's 'ebuild' files (they contain instructions on where to download source code for programs you want to install and instructions on how to compile and install them) have broken links and require manual editing of the ebuild files. This will require you to search for the files on the net and interrupt the installation process. Bear in mind that any manual edits to the ebuild files in the main /usr/portage directory will be overwritten the next time you emerge sync but in all seriousness, I can't honestly remember the last time I had an ebuild die on me due to it not finding the source files. It's quite common to find some of the mirrors are slower to update than others but usually it'll fall back to the original download location (usually the project home page) and download just fine. Quote: If you don't have broadband, Stage 3 install will be essential. Speak for yourself I've done a number of Stage 1 installs over my dial-up connection all you need is a little patience as it'll take anywhere from 3-4 days to a week to get everything up and running.
  8. Admiral LSD

    Joystick Drivers - Where can I get some for...

    If they're just basic gameport joysticks, you might be able to get away with just loading the gameport and joystick modules and possibly the adi modules (for the Logitech). On my setup, I have to load ehci-hcd, usb-ohci and hid instead of gameport because my three Logitech game controllers are connected via USB but as yours are only Gameport sticks, you shouldn't have to worry about all that. The easiest way to check if their working after you've loaded all the modules is to cat /dev/js0 (if you're using devfs, this probably won't appear until all the modules are loaded properly which is another clue) and then move the stick around a bit. If you see output then chances are it's working.
  9. Admiral LSD

    New server - next week

    The same browser I was using before the server upgrade: Opera 7 Also, why have the links been filtered out of my sig, I'm not using HTML (which is disabled) and the code is still present when I view my profile?
  10. Admiral LSD

    New server - next week

    As I've only really noticed it since the board moved to the new server this seems the most appropriate thread to post this in: Why do I get an "invalid or inactive username" error when I try and log in to this board? I've tried deleting my LC cookie but that didn't seem to help, eventually the board would forget I'd logged in and when I tried to log in again, I'd get the error until I deleted it again.
  11. Admiral LSD

    I think I am almost ready to install.. but..

    I don't recall having to do that on any of the Gentoo installs I've done but then again, I've never bothered with stages 2, 3 or the GRP so it might just be specific to those (especially the latter with it's precompiled binary packages for non-base packages).
  12. Admiral LSD


    Well, you can turn that stuppid warning off, on most browsers there'll be a checkbox to do just that on the dialog box.
  13. Admiral LSD

    Need suggestion for compatible ambidexterous mouse

    The other place to edit mouse related info is with gpm, the console mouse driver, but if you don't use this already you probably won't want to (it doesn't play nice with modern graphics cards) so it's not worrying about.
  14. Admiral LSD

    Need suggestion for compatible ambidexterous mouse

    For X, the mouse configuration is located in the XF86Config file. Here's what mine looks like for my MS Intellimouse Explorer: Code: Section "InputDevice"# Identifier and driver Identifier "Mouse1" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" Option "Buttons" "7" Option "ZAxisMapping""6 7"EndSection (Theres a fair bit of other stuff in there relating to the mouse but much of that's commented and not only that but pretty much irrelevent as well) The setting for your Logitech probably and most likely are quite different so I suggest doing some Googling to find out the appropriate settings. The other thing I use for my Explorer is a little program called imwheel to allow me to use my two thumb buttons. To make that work (assuming it's installed rpm -qa | grep imwheel in a terminal as root will quickly verify if it has or not, if the command produces output then it's installed) I add the following to lines to my /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file: Code: imwheel -k -p -b "67" &xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5" & Againg, the correct settings may be a little different for your Logitech so I recommend again turning to Google for a second opinion before trying my examples.
  15. Admiral LSD

    Gentoo install

    If you want to replace Red Hat the easiest way by far would be to boot off the Gentoo LiveCD and install as normal per the install guide except when you get to the part about creating the partitions, skip it and move straight on to the part about formatting them (including the swap partition).
  16. Admiral LSD

    Need suggestion for compatible ambidexterous mouse

    Pretty much any mouse with any number of buttons can be made to work with Linux if you're prepared to do some config file editing. I suggest you go and try each of your options and see which one you're most comfortable with before coming back and asking us how to make all the buttons work
  17. Admiral LSD

    Choppy Mandrake Graphics

    That's because Mandrake installs both XFree86 3.3.x and 4.x, if you choose not to install 3.3.x (and I'm sure the last time I tried MDK it gave you just such an option) and rename XF86Config-4 to XF86Config it should work just as well
  18. Admiral LSD

    Choppy Mandrake Graphics

    If you haven't got XFree86 3.x installed then XF86Config and XF86Config-4 are interchangable, it doesn't matter which one you edit as X will look at them both. Here on Gentoo I'm running XFree86 4.3.0 and I only have XF86Config.
  19. Admiral LSD

    Suggestions on AMD mobo

    I have an EPoX 8RDA+ nForce2 motherboard and absolutely love it to bits. It has everything useful that nForce2 has to offer (Dual Channel DDR support, AGP8X, ATA133, USB2.0, Firewire, nVidia LAN, SoundStorm audio and if you get the later 2.0 or 2.1 revision boards, Ultra 400 400Mhz FSB support) without all the next to useless fluff like SATA (which gives you an extra PCI slot making a total of 6) and the second NIC like other boards. Plus, it can be had for less than USD$100 now (last price I saw was at Newegg for USD$92 although that won't really help you in Greece...). With nForce2 here, there is no sane reason whatsoever to even consider buying a Via based motherboard so do the sensible thing and avoid them like London during the Plague.
  20. Admiral LSD

    Winamp 5 Alpha1 - Comments & Findings

    So? If they can't be bothered upgrading that should be there problem. Nullsoft (and other companies) shouldn't be expected to keep supporting old versions of their products simply because people can't be arsed upgrading their OS. Things would move a lot faster if software companies learned the gentle art of giving users of older versions of their software "the finger".
  21. Admiral LSD

    Winamp 5 Alpha1 - Comments & Findings

    That's cuz you were running 98
  22. Admiral LSD

    Winamp 5 Alpha1 - Comments & Findings

    I heard that same bashing too but considering WA3 ran just fine on my old 128Mb Pentium II under XP and most those that were complaining had machines that were many, many times more powerful than mine at the time I couldn't help but think they were full of shit.
  23. Admiral LSD

    Winamp 5 Alpha1 - Comments & Findings

    Just you wait, the same dumb fucks who bashed Winamp 3 for it being solely an upgrade for upgrades sake will be bashing this (and staying with Winamp2) for the same reasons. I really wish Nullsoft hadn't let all the WA3 criticism get to them and continued adding all that they'd planned to 3 instead of flushing it down the toilet by continuing to beat the dead 2.x horse...
  24. Admiral LSD

    linux newbie

    It depends on what services you want to connect to but really all it amounts to is going into the Accounts window, clicking 'add,' selecting the network you want to connect to from the drop down list at the top and then entering your username and password for that service in the appropriate boxes. Repeat for every service you want to connect to. If you want to sign in to a particular service whenever Gaim is started, be sure to check the "Auto-Login" box.
  25. Admiral LSD

    grub, -- again

    Sorry I couldn't get back to you on your PM, every time I tried something would come up. I'm glad you sorted it out though.