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Everything posted by FatFish

  1. FatFish

    XP no boot, bad file, SYSTEMd?

    Quote: would one of u XP guys/gals look in XPDRIVE:\windows\system32\config and see if u have a system.alt nope, system.alt is not there
  2. FatFish

    Win2KPro & XP & win98 cannot internet? help!

    try use a hub instead of a swtich.
  3. Quote: Yeah it's real easy I got a 13mb zip file that will update you XP RC* to Final Corp edition(at least thats what I've been told). LMK if interested.... the 13m file will only upgrade the 2600leak or 2600eval to FInal Corp edition. Because the zip file only contain the difference files between the corp version and the 2600s build. if you apply the patch to RC2, that will make your computer still a RC2, but it will have no activation or 180days time limit.
  4. FatFish

    Starcraft Broodwars problem

    haha i did email them and even send them the error log before posting here. after half month, they email me back with the default answer. 1. use the latest driver for your video card 2. use the latest driver for your sound card 3. download the latest patch for the game from blizzard.com 4. .... Bad tech support for Blizzard.
  5. FatFish

    IE6 final problem

    how about Internet options-> Security and reset your security level to medium or low for internet?
  6. FatFish

    Access Violations

    what video card do you have? did you try different drivers? Does these error occur happen when you are running some intensive graphic programs, e.g. benckmark, photoshop....?
  7. FatFish

    Access Violations

    are you overclocking? maybe bad ram? Does it happen only when you are playing quake? Where does the Access Violation log located at? application or system?
  8. FatFish

    3dfx - VoodooTV FM

    order? what do you mean? there are only 2 files that you need from that link. 1 is for the driver and 1 is for the visualreality (the program that let you watch tv) download them, install the driver, then install VR.
  9. FatFish

    ASPI manager

    actualy, you don't really need CDRWIN or EZCD Creator. You can burn both ISO and cue&bin in Nero. But, if you want to create ISO and cue&bin CD image, that's another case. I still think that EZCD Creater suck.
  10. FatFish

    Detonator problems - GeForce3

    did you try using other WHQL drivers?
  11. FatFish

    IE6 final problem

    did you try the Tools->Internet Options->Advanced in IE6?
  12. FatFish

    3dfx drivers for winxp

    did you try the driver that comes with xp?
  13. FatFish

    3dfx - VoodooTV FM

    ftp://ftp2.3dfx.com/drivers/voodootv/ hte link has visualreality and driver for both win2k and win9x hard to tell which one is which from the file name. You have to try find the right one.
  14. FatFish

    weirdest video problem i've ever had

    can yo uuse the reference driver fom nvidia?
  15. FatFish

    WinXP Disconnects cables =)

    could it be one card is 10M and the other one is 10/100? just a thought
  16. FatFish

    ACPI Problem

    I did a clean installation of WinXP 2600 Corp this morning. After installation, i realized my shutdown menu's standby option is grey out( i can't on it) I went to check on the event viewer, and i found out that every time i reboot my computer, i will have 4 errors about acpi on my log. [size:9]AMLI: ACPI BIOS is attempting to read from an illegal IO port address (0x71), which lies in the 0x70 - 0x71 protected address range. This could lead to system instability. Please contact your system vendor for technical assistance.[/color] All 4 errors have the same discriptions except with different addresses. I don't have this error when i did an upgrade from my win2k to rc2. Does you guys have hte same problem? if so, any suggestion to resolve this problem? TIA
  17. FatFish

    ACPI Problem

    nevermind, i fix the problem by up[censored] the BIOS.
  18. FatFish

    Collision on Hub

    I think its the hub, but i could be wrong. I used to have a hub having the same problem too. The collision led blinks so fast that it doesn't look like its blinking. I went to get a new hub and its all good again.
  19. FatFish

    WinXP Disconnects cables =)

    Did you try getting a hub or a swtich to connect to both of them?
  20. .......... the corp version is out already
  21. FatFish

    Irq problem on windows 2000pro

    when i had win2k running, i remembered that my AGP card share IRQ 11 with 3 other PCI cards (LAN, SB LIVE, SCSI card) and only the TV Tuner use IRQ7. and there were plenty of irq unoccupied. Duno why Win2k don't use them?
  22. FatFish

    Does anyone know the OEM release date of Win XP?

    Don't forget the Doggy in the search menu. =)
  23. XP runs faster than 2K on my system. and it has a new GUI. =) Although both os didn't crash on me, but i trend to think that 2k is more stable. i dunno why i think that way. and 2k has better driver and application support.
  24. FatFish

    ASPI manager

    U can download the forceaspi 1.7 from www.doom9.net download section it will let you have aspi layer without installing the ezcd creater
  25. FatFish

    New SB Live driver for XP

    I have the XP2600, the new driver is installed fine on my system.