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Everything posted by FatFish

  1. FatFish

    WinFax Pro 10

    yeah... no problem with it.
  2. FatFish

    WinXP and dual sound cards

    Use only 1 sound card then =)
  3. FatFish

    Divix Issues

    the upside down picture is not the problem with the mediaplayer but the directshow filter.. temporily rename the file "divx_c32.ax" in the windows\system32 to some other name, and play the movie. it will fix the upside-down problem. Once you are done watching that movie, you can rename the file to orginal. Renaming the divx_c32.ax will only disable the abilities to adjust brightness, saturation...etc... not a big thing.
  4. FatFish

    processor priorities for apps

    defrag harddrive will help getting data from the database faster too.
  5. FatFish

    What EMAIL program do you use?

    you can download the backup plug-in/add-on for Outlook 2K/XP from the microsoft web site
  6. FatFish

    msconfig for XP?

    xp has its own version of msconfig.. just go to Run then msconfig
  7. FatFish

    Disk Keeper 6

    7 is out.. its compatible with XP
  8. FatFish

    No CD-ROM drives found on the IDE Bus! Help!

    you can install EZCD creater to have the adaptec aspi layer installed. or go to www.doom9.net's download section to download ForceASPI to install the aspi layer.
  9. FatFish

    A BUG on WINXP 2600 (RTM) :-(

    I have no problem with the search function... so as Vampyr said, your iso maybe corrupted.. get yourelf a new copy.
  10. FatFish

    Burning with XP

    Besides Nero, CDRWin works too.
  11. FatFish

    Burning/SCSI/Antivirus Advices for WinXP Users

    I thought Nero was using its own ASPI layer. so does it realy matter if you have an older version of adaptec ASPI driver?
  12. FatFish

    nvidia cards

    The VIA chipset drivers are included in winxp, so the 4-in-1 is not needed. I don't play FPS often, but is there really difference between 68fps and 150fps? i mean the number is different of course, but can you tell the difference when you are in the game?
  13. FatFish

    Power Toys

    Good question... but i still have a hard time figuring out how to use that player.. i see no shortcut anywhere to that player at all.. when i double click the mp3 file, the media player will play it but not the tool bar one.
  14. FatFish

    Asus A7V compatible with WindowsXP??

    um... i have a Tbird 1000 and a Abit KT7 (same chipset as Asus A7V), but i have no problem running win2k or winxp. I think your system will run fine in winxp.
  15. FatFish

    Anybody play starcraft?

    It could be the game host's problem too.. I have a friend who is on T1 connection, usually he creates a public game, and i will join ASAP. However, if lots of people are joining at the same time, i will get that error message.
  16. FatFish

    Anybody play starcraft?

    The problem is not from Win2K.. its battle.net's problem or network problem.. If i connect to the b.net server during busy hours, i will get this error message sometimes (not many), but i have no problem in other time. The only problem i have while playing starcraft in win2k or XP is that the game will quit by itself for no reason. Reboot the pc before joining b.net seems to fix the problem.
  17. FatFish

    Hewlett-Packard buying Compaq

    um... i have a total opposite impression. I always thing Compaq's product is POS, while HP's is a little bit better.
  18. FatFish

    nvidia cards

    ah.. i forget where i have seen this news, i could be wrong. GeForce3 T200 is supposed be the MX version of GeForce3... and it should be out on 7th or 17th (i could only remember there is a 7) with T400 (Pro version) and Det. 4 .. even if you don't want GeForce3 Txxx.. wait until its out, then it will have a price cut on GF2 series.. then you can buy the GF2 instead of GF2 MX..
  19. FatFish

    New SB Live driver for XP

    i guess i don't have the new one then.. but in the file detail, all the version number are different for each file.. maybe the new driver is just a new inf file or something.. dunno.. no idea... just a thought
  20. FatFish

    Hacking Windows98

    maybe he is a person with multiple personalities.. or double identities.
  21. FatFish

    New SB Live driver for XP

    ah... i didn't check if its using the new driver, it just says its installed correctly... so what's the new file version number supposed to be?
  22. FatFish

    Creative Drivers!!!!???

    Read this: http://www.apachez.net/purpleman/dxr3hp.html It teaches you how to use the hollywood+ driver for your DxR3 board. It may fix your problem.
  23. FatFish

    Internet Sharing

    Most of the routers will do the work, and they usuallt come with a DHCP server, you can disable is in its configuration menu though. Linksys is good brand. If you want something better, maybe a 3COM.. But preformance of them are about the same. The difference maybe in number of ports that comes with, swtich or hub for the LAN, 10Mb or 10/100... etc.
  24. FatFish

    Page file size

    Read this: http://www.3dspotlight.com/tweaks/memory-win2k/index.shtml
  25. FatFish

    can someone please help with this

    Quote: it occurs when ever i restart my computer. i will see my desktop for a few seconds then i get the error screen saying "Driver_IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal" I have seen the error message when i enable the memoy hole at some address in the bios setting. After i have disable it, the error message is gone. so... see if you have that setting enabled in BIOS, and disable it.