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Posts posted by mrestine

  1. Yeah, I had an old Slot-1 MB with Intel 440BX chipset that wouldn't allow me to run Win2k due to a 1mb BIOS that limited the amount and type of CMOS code needed to support Win2k for that particular MB. Thought the same might apply to these two boards since they both have 1mb BIOS chips as well. Anyway, final solution for this project with Windows ME was to install Via AGP driver v4.40 only, not any of the other 4-in-1 4.45 components, and then install the latest Asus TNT drivers. The Asus drivers appear to be somewhat dated, but they work well. Everything on the entire system seems to work fine now. Only thing that I noticed in the Asus video card's driver properties tabs is that there is no AGP 2x even though it's enabled in the MB BIOS and no sideband addressing. Moreover, it doesn't list any extra AGP texture memory available and I have 64mb allocated in the MB BIOS. Anyway, it does work at least. Thanx to all who responded.


    Mike, Sr.

  2. Found the culprit, I think. Uninstalled Via 4.45's and still had problem. Then uninstalled nVidia 41.09's replacing them with default Windows ME nVidia drivers and everything is back to normal. Now I'm going to try to find an AGP driver/nVidia driver combo that will work. I heard that the 4.40 AGP driver works well with the MVP3 chipset. I'm going to give that a try and then see what version of nVidia drivers will work best.


    Mike, Sr.

  3. Fresh install of Windows ME on Socket-7/Via MVP3 combo in old AT box. Shutdowns were fine through all online Microsoft Update patches, installation of v4.45 Via chipset drivers and 41.09 nVidia graphics drivers. After installing Norton SystemWorks 2002, subjcet shutdown screen will not appear for manual shutdowns. I can shutdown safely without any damage to drives, but I do so only at a blank screen. Uninstalling Norton didn't help. The only way that I can get the proper shutdown screen is in safe mode. Logos.sys file appears to be OK (looks OK in MS Paint...) and is in the right place. Same thing happened to me on another old system of similar makeup with Windows ME and Norton SystemWorks 2001. Any ideas what can be causing this? The only solution that I've found is a clean reinstall of the O/S without Norton SystemWorks. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanx in advance.

    Mike, Sr.

  4. Experiencing VERY slow shutdown in newly installed Win2K on older AMD Slot-A system. Checked Event Log for Applications and found following message for every shutdown instance recorded:



    "Event Type: Error

    Event Source: Userenv

    Event Category: None

    Event ID: 1000

    Date: 12/28/2002

    Time: 8:21:56 AM


    Computer: ASUS-K7M


    Windows cannot unload your registry file. If you have a roaming profile, your settings are not replicated. Contact your administrator.


    DETAIL - Access is denied. , Build number ((2195))."



    I've tried all the popular tweaks to the registry to speed up shutdown and none of them worked. Short of a "Repair Reinstall", does anyone have any ideas for a fix? Thanx in advance.


    Mike, Sr.

  5. Yeah, I downloaded a newer version of Asus Probe and it workds fine now. So does the latest version of Sandra. Motherboard Monitor will require some more research though. I heard that it needs some tweaks to get it working. Thanx for the reply.


    Mike, Sr.

  6. Well, I performed the clean install of XP with ACPI and the system shuts down properly now. Asus Probe still doesn't work. When the program starts, it says that it can't find the "LMR" or something like that (I can't remember exactly; it was late last night by the time I got around to messing with that particular piece of software...). Am I missing a BIOS setting or something? I didn't install any Asus drivers for the board; I used the latest nVidia nForce drivers instead (looks like just basic chipset, AGP and memory drivers; no nForce IDE drivers that I can see...). These are the latest version, 1.05 I think. Thanx.



  7. No Roxio stuff installed. APM is enabled already. Someone on the Athlonmb forum informed me that the nForce does not support APM, only ACPI and APIC (whatever that is...). Looks like I'll have to perform a clean install of the O/S with the ACPI HAL instead of the APM HAL. Thanx for the quick reply.


    Mike, Sr.

  8. I just completed a new system based on the Asus A7N266-C mainboard w/Windows XP Pro. The system also has the following:


    AMD Athlon XP 1700+ (NOT overclocked)

    1mb Samsung PC2700 333mhz DDR RAM (512mb=slot-1, 512mb=slot-2)

    MSI GeForce3 TI 200 video card (IRQ-10)

    SoundBlaster Audigy 1394 (SB=IRQ-5, 1394=IRQ-9)

    Promise Ultra-66 PCI IDE Controller (IRQ-11)

    Internal USB enabled (IRQ-9)

    RealTek NIC (IRQ-9)

    Western Digital 100gb Special Edition Hard Drive ©

    Pioneer 16x DVD-ROM Drive (D)

    Plextor 40x12x40 CDRW (E)

    NEC Internal ATAPI Zip Drive (F)

    LS120 Floppy Drive (A)

    Latest Asus Beta BIOS (1003.002)

    Latest nVidia nForce drivers

    Standard PC HAL intalled (APM enabled)


    System is stable and fast. I have two major problems that I can't seem to resolve:


    1. Windows XP will not shut down automatically; reboots instead.

    2. Motherboard diagnostic and temperature monitoring utilities will not work (Asus Probe, Motherboard Monitor, Sisoft Sandra, etc...). All programs lock up; fail to load; or, even fail to install.


    I've tried all manner of workarounds for these problems and nothing seems to work. I've disabled the automatic reboot on failure feature and disabled the Windows XP logoff sound. I did intall this board with the Beta BIOS and had USB mouse and keyboard connected when installing the O/S. Any ideas on how to fix either of these two problems? Thanx in advance.


    Mike Restine, Sr.

  9. Does anyone know whether or not the Asus A7N266-C motherboard has the same overclocking features of the A7N266-E? Specifically, does the "C" have a fixed PCI bus speed like the "E" along with the ability to vary CPU, I/O, Memeory voltages and Front Side Bus and Memory Bus speeds? Thanx in advance.


    Mike, Sr.

  10. Yeah, you might be right. I seem to recall visiting a website that may have required it. Can't really remember that well; it's been about a month ago. I've never had QuickTime on my system and I've heard on the Microsoft newsgroups of others having problems with downloading "exe" files, after installing QuickTime. For me, all downloading was effected within IE.



  11. Thanx for all the replies. I fixed the problem, finally. Some program or website installed a file called qttask.exe into my WINNT directory and was executing it at startup via the registry. As soon as I removed it, everything started working as before. Hope this helps some of you.



  12. This is the 3rd time that I've had this problem in the last couple of years, each time in a different O/S (98, ME & W2k). I've had this happen in IE5 and IE6. After just getting started, any and all downloads just stop, regardless of file size or website. I can't download anything from the Windows Update site either. The only way that I have been able to fix this in the past has been to perform a clean reinstall of the entire O/S. Does anyone know of an easier solution? I have two computers on a home network with a DSL router/firewall. The other system with similar setup works fine. Thanx in advance...



  13. Checking the Application section of Event Viewer, I notice a WARNING message as follows:


    "WMI ADAP was unable to process the PerfDisk performance library due to a time violation in the open function."


    And, the System section displays the following WARNING and ERROR messages:


    WARNING Message: "Your computer has automatically configured the IP address for the Network Card with network address 00C0F06D49C9. The IP address being used is ___.___.___.___ ." (I'm leaving the exact IP address blank for privacy reasons...)


    and a few seconds later:


    ERROR Message: "The IP address lease ___.___.___.___ for the Network Card with network address 444553547777 has been denied by the DHCP server (The DHCP Server sent a DHCPNACK message)." (again, the actual IP address is left blank for privacy...)


    These messages occur at every boot-up. The Warning and Error IP's are different from each other. The two different IP's listed are the same at every boot-up though. Any thoughts on what these mean? I'm expiencing excessively long boot-up times and very slow hand-shake times for my DSL connection. Once the overyly long hand-shake is completed, the DSL works great. My DSL uses an NIC vice USB. Thanx in advance.


