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Posts posted by Lotus

  1. Log

    UTC Time Message Source

    08/07/2003 23:30:19.91 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/07/2003 23:30:28.91 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/07/2003 23:46:54.66 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/07/2003 23:47:03.61 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/07/2003 23:55:35.91 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/07/2003 23:56:05.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:00:41.71 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:00:50.61 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:05:47.86 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:19:26.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:27:45.41 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:31:52.86 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:33:24.81 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:52:29.56 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:56:20.71 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 00:57:39.86 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:02:57.91 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:22:36.11 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:22:51.91 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:23:07.96 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:31:00.76 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:41:58.61 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 01:48:32.11 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:01:21.36 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:24:18.46 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:24:27.51 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:37:26.36 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:37:35.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:49:01.61 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:58:09.66 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 02:58:18.61 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:02:26.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:02:35.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:06:24.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:07:24.16 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:10:50.36 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:10:56.31 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:21:25.01 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:21:34.01 Port Scan attack !!!

    08/08/2003 03:22:25.06 Port Scan attack !!!




    Here is part of the log...I removed my IP


    Most are TCP and UDP..there were also like 7 or 8 HTTP as well.



    The log from our other business looks just like this. Filled with port scan attacks etc..

  2. I have talked to a few other people who also said that the DOS would cause the VPN to go down. If I change IP addresses (which are static right now) wouldn't the problem just come back? Is there anything I can do settings wise, that would help? Or is changing the IP the way I'll have to go?

  3. I have a VPN set up between two businesses, for some odd reason the whole thing stopped working.


    Hardware is Symantec Firewall/VPN 100 at both locations. I have it set up like they say to on the website and documentation CD. We have static IP's which have not changed.


    I notice we are under constant port scan attack...every 30-60 seconds.



    * It was down all day yesterday and now it's up again, just checked. *


    I was finally able to ping the computer behind the vpn/firewall at the other location.


    What would cause it to keep going down? Even after reseting everything it still won't work.


    When I pinged it a second ago, 1 of 4 pings made it... When I pinged again, 2 made it, then the third time all pings made it and didn't time out.


    I don't understand why it works "some" times.


    All the settings have been gone over time and time again, by two different people.

  4. This is my error message during my everyday memory dumps. (Starting since SP3)


    I finally had time to write it down.


    STOP: 0x000000E1 Work_Thread_Returned_At_Bad_IRQL


    Address 80421FB0 base at 80400000


    Datestamp: 3ee6c002 - ntoskrnl.exe




    Does the error message mean anything to anyone? It was the reason I asked about multiple devices sharing IRQ's.

  5. I just noticed while going over my system information that IRQ 9 has a billion things on it. NIC card, Sound Card, USB Host Controller, ACPI-Compliant System, VIA USB Host Controller,.


    Now I have never had to change IRQ's with Win2K as of yet. Using device manager I went into resources and it is all greyed out. How do I change IRQ's?


    There are 8 listings in IRQ Conflicts for IRQ9



    This might be half my problem with memory dumps and freezing on shutdown.

  6. Quote:
    update hardware drivers?

    is there anything in the Event viewer around the time of the dumps?

    Hardware is all updated as of this morning..

    And nothing in the event viewer.

    It's something that started in Service Pack 3, I just can't figure out what is the cause. It's really annoying. I have been looking on the net and can't find a solution...yet.

  7. If you know roughly the time frame this person is doing this, you could do a simple advanced search for files or programs that have been accessed around that time.


    I'm sure there are programs out there that will track and log this type of thing for you, I just don't know any. We had the same thing happen here where I work...but I knew the time he/she was doing this..that made it easy to trace using file searching.


    Good luck to you...hopefully someone will answer your question a little better.

  8. Ever since the release of SP3 for Win2k Pro, my system freezes during shutdown. It saves settings, then says windows is shutting down, and when that dialog goes away, FREEZE. I can hear my hard drive shutdown the moment it happens. I have tried everything I can think of;


    Up[censored] BIOS

    Up[censored] IDE Controllers

    Up[censored] all software on my system

    Up[censored] fully via Windows Update (As of 12:00 today)

    There is nothing in the event viewer reguarding this..I assume because windows is already shutdown at the point of this happening.


    Is there any program that will log what is going on during shutdown, or is there a log I can currently look at.


    The computer is a work pc... Dell Dimension L933r


    Is there anything else I can try? I reformatted about a month ago and as soon as SP3 was installed the problem was back. What was changed in SP3 as far as shutdown related files/services?


    I am going to go look through the Knoledge Base AGAIN heh...maybe I missed something. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.




    Since SP4 my system keeps doing a memory dump 3 or 4 times a day. Any insight?


    I'll look up something on that as well.




    - Lotus

  9. Quote:
    what are you system specs?

    Thats just it, I would be running it on my PII 400 box. Has 384megs pc133 ram on an Asus P2B motherboard. It runs Win2K beautiful, but when I ran the RC1 and RC2 of WinXP Pro, it ran like crap. I'm sure with all the tweaks out there and the fact it has SP1 now, it would run fine, but won't know until I try it.

  10. Quote:
    I upgraded to XP pro from 2000 pro and am very happy with it, but like you would be hesitant to "try it out" for the $200 upgrade price.


    I thought they had a trial at one time also, but like you, couldn't find it. I'll just buy it and if for some reason it doesn''t work out for me, I'll save it until my next PC upgrade. Thanks for the reply.

  11. When XP first came out I tried release candidate 1 and 2 and both ran poorly on my system. I was told there have been major performance improvements since the RC's, but I don't want to spend $299 on something that won't run like I need it too.


    I am NOT asking for a pirated version, just wanted to know if there was any type of trial out there like the RC's.


    If it works fine, I'll buy it, if it doesn't I will keep Win2K.



  12. I am looking to try WinXP Pro before I buy it so I can make sure it works fine on my system. I want good performance and no hardware issues. Is there anyplace I can download an ISO for it? Is there a way to install it without a key/license just to try....even a timed trial is fine. I just need it for a week or so to evaluate. Thanks

  13. I'm running windows 2000 pro SP4 right now and I have had this problem since SP3 came out. I even did a clean install, worked fine, updated with sp3 and poof the problem was back. I can't figure it out. I hear my HD powerdown, then the system just freezes. Annoying as hell..


    Hope you get it figured out!
