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Everything posted by JP-

  1. JP-

    SLK-800 Heatsink

    Here also if you just want some numbers. http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthr...threadid=194072
  2. OK well running that demo was pretty shocking, all 3 seconds of it 1024x768 with max quailty graphics on demo4. No AA of AF = 217.6fps 4x AA * 8x AF = 97.8fps (bit disapointing ) 4x AA only =117.3fps P4@2400, Ti4400@Ti4600 Thats on a q3 install that i just did 5mins ago.
  3. JP-

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    Actually thats what ive found recently, ppl just think "ooohh computer dont work....must call IT, instead of pushing the power button" ppl really need to use some initiative
  4. JP-

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    ooooohhh fight fight fight Seriously though, its a pretty funny thread, just goes to show how many people have problems with things like this. Its really why consoles are so much better for the average person, because people dont have to worry about things like drivers. Anyhoo, maybe someone should go help them, all they need to do is install the respective drivers
  5. JP-

    Wierd Video Problem

    If they are DVD rips then there is a 99% chance they will be divx, just go to www.divx.com and download the most basic/standard version and install it. Media player will then play them correctly
  6. Authough you probably dont like me Harry, i have to agree with you, noone cares about floppy lights and the like. But this site is still a good site, with loads of good info on NT related stuff Maybe the modding stuff should just be left to others, and there are enough sites doing articles on stuff like that anyway
  7. JP-

    Highpoint Controllers & Norton Software

    Well ive used ghost, which i suppose is symantec/norton on a HTP 370 RAID controller with no problems. The transfer rate was seemingly capped at 140mb/minute but apart from that it worked fine.
  8. JP-

    Geforce 4 mx 440

    Cool Glad to see its all working better
  9. JP-

    RPG Poll VOTE!

    All BG needs is a higher resolution, then i wouldnt mind playing it, but having played BG2 in a high resolution i just cant take BG1
  10. JP-

    RPG Poll VOTE!

    For me its BG2, better story and more varied things that you can do.
  11. JP-

    Need some laughs? Check out this thread

    Yeah can someone send me the opengl subsystem please ;(
  12. Thing is that i dont think ive actually seen Tom write an article for tomshardware in ages
  13. JP-

    This IS a "Revolution of the Mind"...

    thin film transistor but by that i mean a flat screen
  14. JP-

    This IS a "Revolution of the Mind"...

    Yeah sorry i kept thinking of things to edit and didnt wanna double post On another note i just ordered a TFT
  15. JP-

    This IS a "Revolution of the Mind"...

    Dunno if any of you lot have seen Minority Report, id love 1 of those screens that you can move stuff around on using your hands That would totally "rock" and im at work on 1280x1024 and i still have the scroll bars Also looking at those figures it seems like 3d is a bit pants as it loses to 2d on pretty much everything. Would be pretty cool though to walk around quake stylee and shoot the program you want or something The novelty would soon wear off though PS. isnt the new windows "longhorn"?!?!?!? going to be 3d in some way?
  16. go to www.westerndigital.com and buy some drivezilla You can tell all your friends youve got a RAID5 drivezilla array
  17. Thats a serious piece of kit 8)
  18. JP-

    Leadtek GF3-Ti500

  19. JP-

    Leadtek GF3-Ti500

    but maybe SiS and Via will be swapped around in the near future
  20. JP-

    Leadtek GF3-Ti500

    Cool Someone else who hates it, i thought i was the only 1 Just swapped my mums out for a via one (never thought id be swapping a board for a VIA one ) Seems much better now
  21. JP-

    Privateer 2: The Darkening (DOS Version)

    Yeah unfortunatly i did, i just installed it on a win98 machine and then copied over the install directory to the XP pc. You have to modify the dark.cfg (?) file to make sure it points to the correct place on the hard drive though. Actual space doesnt seem to be an issue, as i created a very very small partition but it still objects
  22. JP-

    Privateer 2: The Darkening (DOS Version)

    Sorry preacher didnt realise someone had replied just checkout... http://www.geocities.com/sasa_25/priv2.htm and look under speed probs. There are a few there you can try
  23. JP-

    were can i get game demos that will work on xp

    Yeah i like avault myself for demo/patch downloads
  24. Very nice but id want some storage in many GBs and not just 100s of MB or a few GB at most I dont have very good luck with HDDs (5 dead in 4 years) so the sooner they sort out RAM type drives the happier ill be