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Everything posted by GTwannabe

  1. GTwannabe

    VPN issues

    Linksys routers no longer support VPN passthrough since Cisco bought them out.
  2. GTwannabe

    Kevin Mitnick on SECURITY, & do I agree? How about YOU??

    Wasn't there an article last year that Mitnick's company got hacked? Of course the guy hasn't been allowed to touch a computer since the mid-90's... so I doubt he's much of an "expert" anymore.
  3. GTwannabe

    System freeze when wireless card installed

    Try turning off the Wireless Zero Configuration utility. Then see if it still locks up. Or you can uninstall all the software except drivers that came with the wireless card and use the Wireless Zero Config service.
  4. GTwannabe

    Trying to get WPA to work with Intel pro 2100 3b

    I don't remember seeing any 802.11b adapters that support WPA.
  5. GTwannabe

    pc shuts off unexpectantly....

    Try another power supply. Also check for leaking/blown capaciters on the mobo.
  6. GTwannabe

    Problems with Service Pack 2 to Windows XP

    Originally posted by RMORIALLI: Quote: Oh yes, I Do have one tiny problem.....I switched my refresh rate to 100Hz, and everytime I reboot, my screen has about an inch of black on each side, and about a half inch (1/4 inch on top and bottom)too tall.........and I have to go and manually adjust the width and height to be correct. It is a slight pain to do. I understand that the PC still thinks it's at 60Hz for some reason, what do I do to make it correct itself? I used the nVidia refresh rate overide PLUS I changed the refresh rate in the designated box in the regular video card refresh rate box as well. [Edited by RMORIALLI on 2005-01-28 13:23:37] There is a free program called RefreshLock that will fix this for you.
  7. GTwannabe

    Problems with Service Pack 2 to Windows XP

    Every single PC at work that users reported not working after SP2 install worked fine after I cleaned out the spyware/viruses and re-ran the SP2 installer.
  8. GTwannabe


    Tunnel out through the firewall. You can do this with a VPN or SSH connection to an external server.
  9. Re-install Office 2000. Instead of Standard, select Custom Install. Right click at the top of the customization tree and select "Run All from My Computer" Let Office finish the reinstall. You'll never be asked to install Office features again after that, as they'll all be on your hard drive.
  10. GTwannabe

    Error logs flooding hard drive. I think. Windows 2003.

    Badmail will continue to fill up; Microsoft doesn't provide a way to automatically delete it. Here's a batch file I made for my Exchange server at work: del "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\BadMail\*.*" /Q Put that in a .bat file and schedule it to run early in the morning every day and you'll be fine.
  11. Filezilla works great. I used to run Serv-U, but Filezilla is much slicker. The only downside I've found is that passive transfers on the internal network cause Filezilla to randomly lock up during transfers and not authenticate logins. I get around this by having external and internal connection profiles on my laptop.
  12. GTwannabe

    geforcefx 5700LE

    Your power supply may not be able to handle the load created by the new video card. Replace it with a high quality brand-name 300+ watt unit.
  13. GTwannabe

    PC hangs during install XP Pro

    Bad/flaky hard drive data cables can do that.
  14. GTwannabe

    I've been HIJACKED!!! please any help would HELP!!

    Yup, best bet would be to either format or reinstall WinXP on top of itself (deletes and recreates the Windows directory) Next time, download SpyBot and use the immunize feature. You should also switch to Firefox as your web browser and only resort to IE when a page doesn't work with Firefox (which is rare, and indicates poor coding)
  15. GTwannabe

    Xbox Live and my PC

    Yes, that will work. You will have to enable internet connection sharing on the properties of your DSL modem to share it over the ethernet.
  16. GTwannabe

    Need pro advice on network

    Those hubs aren't helping. Windows is chatty on the LAN; Win98 especially. You should chuck the hubs and install some switches. Also disable the NetBeui protocol on the Win98 machines so that they use TCP/IP for file/printer sharing.
  17. GTwannabe

    Radeon 9600 + Audigy 2ZS

    Move your sound card to a different PCI slot. Sound Blasters generally don't behave when sharing an IRQ with the video card.
  18. GTwannabe

    ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

    Is your power supply a high quality 350+ watt? The card could be defective, or you could have a weak power supply that can't handle the Radeon's draw. Try pulling all the power connectors except the mobo and Radeon and see if your pink lines go away.
  19. GTwannabe

    Need help with wireless networking

    The cheapest way to do it would be to right click on the desktop's ethernet card, go to Properties, and select "Allow other users to connect through this computer's internet connection" However, your daughter can only access the internet when your computer is turned on. A better solution would be to get an inexpensive wireless router. You can get them for $10 or free after rebate if you watch the Best Buy/Staples/Office Depot flyers.
  20. GTwannabe

    Wireless lag

    Disable packet bursting on PC 2 and set the wireless card to fixed power output (100%)
  21. GTwannabe

    Another %$&^ Browser Helper Object! - Elite Toolbar -

    After you clean the system, install SpyBot, update it, and immunize. That will prevent a lot of crap from wedging itself back into IE. SP2 also lets you manage your IE plugins/extensions, so this should help too. I would suggest dumping IE for another browser like Mozilla Firefox. You'll be glad you switched!
  22. GTwannabe

    Microsoft SideWinder Joystick Throttle Problems!

    Do you have a VIA chipset mobo? There is a patch out to address an incompatibility between the Sidewinder and VIA USB controllers.
  23. 32mb? 64mb is miserably sluggish. 128mb is tolerable. I think you should try E-bay or SurplusComputers.com for some cheap old memory. Unless the system you're trying to use won't accept more than 32mb, in which case you're SOL.
  24. GTwannabe

    Move from domain to workgroup, lost data

    You need to copy his domain account settings to the local account he wishes to use. Log onto the computer with the Administrator account. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\His_Domain_Account and copy all files/folders to C:\Documents and Settings\His_Local_Account Or you can just move the My Documents folder from the domain profile to the C: drive and point to it in his local account.
  25. Originally posted by Alec§taar: Quote: Was wondering about the "wifi" part myself in XP vs. 2000, but I don't use a laptop or that type of networking here on desktops so it was unknown to myself. (Is it "IMPOSSIBLE" to use this 'wifi' networking in 2000 vs XP though? OR, is it unstable & unreliable... thanks for info. because what I don't use? I can always learn something about via word-of-mouth!) No, it's not impossible to WIFI with W2k, but it's damned inconvenient. With 2k, you need to manually configure your wireless card by disabling it, going into the network hardware settings, and manually setting the WEP encryption/SSID/channel/etc. Sure, you can use the horribly insecure SSDP service, but that rarely works and just isn't a good idea. XP SP0 will automatically connect to any wireless network regardless of security - bad! XP SP1 will generally refuse to connect to insecure networks - bad! XP SP2 has a well thought out WIFI console. You open the wireless icon from the system tray and see a list of wireless networks. Click Connect on a wireless network, and enter the WEP/WPA key if required. Windows will save the wireless network in its Preferred Networks access list. When you move around with your laptop, Windows will automatically switch off to the strongest network based on how you ordered the list.