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Posts posted by Hawkman

  1. I am an administrator in a college. We recently upgraded to NT5 and are having a few permission problems not seen in NT4. For ex: Visual Studio, PeachTree, and Quickbooks need to be installed as administrator (this is normal), but the user has to be a power user to use. We DON'T want our students to be power users but we still want them to be able to use the software. App companies say this is an operating system issue, Microsoft says this is a software company issue. Other than making seperate groups for individualized applications, is there any simple way so that standard users can use this software? We are talking about hundreds of computers and thousands of users on a domain. Thank you in advance.

  2. Don't display the 'Getting Started with Windows 2000' screen on Windows 2000 Professional.


    You can configure this setting in Group Policy or by using Regedt32 to navigate to:






    On the Edit menu, Add Value name NoWelcomeScreen as a REG_DWORD data type. A data value of 0, the default, displays the 'Getting Started with Windows 2000' screen when a user logs on. A data value of 1 does not display the 'Getting Started with Windows 2000' screen and the check box on the screen is ignored.


    NOTE: An entry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER takes precedence over an entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

  3. When I go into my Gaming Options in the control panel, I get an 'initialization error'. I click OK and it goes away. I have no gaming devices installed and would like to have this reset to clear out the message if possible but it doesn't show up in any of my event logs. Six months ago I had an init. error with WinMgmt and was able to fix it with WinMgmt/clearadap but I don't even have a file name here. Any advice on reseting an initialization? I have a Pro and I'm not sure if this is related but I also have 'AdminPakTools' installed from the CD server. This is the first time I have gone into this option and I would love to know how to fix it. Thanks...

  4. Your situation brings back many sleepless nights. Here is what to do if I were you and this is only for home. Format the entire hard drive, using the 50/50 %, install Win98 first on c:, This is important! Get win98 up and running good. Then install a clean W2K, but choose the option at installation that asks you where you want it installed. Do not choose default. Then tell it to install on the other partition, probably D:, and let it install. The system files (boot-ini, ntldr, ntdetect, etc...) will be (required) on C:, but W2K will be on D:. Should be all set then. Let me know how it goes.

  5. This is for my home system. Presently I have Millenium on C: and W2K on E:. I would like to delete Millenium and go back to (problem free) Win98SE. Problem is that C: is my system drive and W2K will not work if I format C:. Suggestions? I have a backup image of W98 from another computer I would like to install on this computer. What would be the best solution to this delima? Save all system files (ntdetect, ntldr, boot.ini, etc...) from C:, delete Windows millenium files, then with a clean C: (except w2k files) install Win98 from scratch, or install Win98 on a seperate partition and keep millenium, or save all W2K files and then reinstall W98 image? Thanks... Oh yea, I also have current ERD w2k disks and complete backup files for W2K. Can I just format C: and reinstall the image from W98? And then use the ERD to put the proper files in place?

  6. I am the administrator of a local college and I am in the process of setting up 50 workstations with W2K. I would like to remove the 'getting started with windows' initial opening screen for new users. The students immediately click the 'set up internet' box instead of the 'don't show this screen again' box. This really messing the machine up when that happens. Is there a way to either disable the screen completely, or at least disable the options on it? I would like the user just to log on (first time) and have it go to the desktop. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...


  7. Thanks for the feedback. Guess I'll have to re-install and see what happens again. I have a burned copy and I bought an original, the funny part is that the burned copy is the one that works good. I've installed the store bought version twice with the same result. And unfortunately, I am moving up to a different computer, and have about 8 months worth of files in my 2 profiles I am trying to SAVE and it hasn't been a smooth transition due to the system changed username.

  8. I have 2 W2K systems. Is there any way to keep the computername from attaching itself to the username? EX: Terry automatically becomes Terry.Enterprise (if enterprise is the computer name). My first installation didn't do that...Terry was Terry. But my second installation is attaching the computername to the username. When I try to change the username, it doesn't show the extension, but it's there. This makes it impossible to copy my profile from one computer to the other due to the name change. Any advice would be great. I have a stand alone system, no network, 1.4g, 128 ram, 40g Hd, etc...


