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Everything posted by SnapperOne

  1. SnapperOne

    Buggy HPLaserJet 2300 install

    Our trusty HP6P was sent out for repair. While it was gone, we decided to buy a new HP2300. Installed the 2300's software using the supplied CD (v 1.0), but had to order a second CD; the center-hole on the original CD was off-center. Gave my CD drive fits. Anyway, with help from HP, got the needed install files off the bad CD so we could use the printer while waiting for the replacement CD to arrive (v. 2.0). While waiting for the new CD, ran the 2300 on a USB port vs. Parallel (6P was connected via parallel for 12 years). With the 2300 connected USB, noticed the 2300 took from 12-15 seconds to print. When it started printing, however, it was very very fast. Whent the 6P returned, I connected it via parallel and pressed "print". Printed in <4 seconds. Connected 2300 via parallel; it also printed in <4 seconds. Appeared to be a USB problem. HP had me uninstall, reinstall, uninstall, shut-down, boot-up, erase files, etc., etc. etc...for 5+ hours. Other than to say that the USB chipset on the PC was outdated (Intel 82801AA USB), they had no answer. They also couldn't explain why, whenever the PC was booted (w/ the 2300 connected via parallel) that the New Hardware Found dialogue appeared, w/ a request for "HP DOT4.LPT". They were never able to get the 2300 to run parallel or quickly on USB. Any ideas? And, what is HP DOT4.LPT?
  2. SnapperOne

    Buggy HPLaserJet 2300 install

    Jerry Atrik ........."Jerry Atrik?". Took me a second. Cute! Anyway, turns out it was either a Zone Alarm or NAV2003 issue. As a last resort, I uninstalled both, did the HP install; and, Ta Daaaaaaa!, clean install. Most likely NAV. Should know better at my advanced age. Nonetheless, thanks for the response.
  3. How do I determine which USB format a particular machine follows; 1.0, 1.1, 2.0? Trying to help a friend buy a USB HD for bulk storage, but want to make certain her system and the HD are compatible. The USB HD states it's USB 2.0 & 1.1 compatible. The only reference I find under Device Manager relating to USB is that it's Intel 82801AA.
  4. SnapperOne

    Is this PC USB 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0 compatible?

    Thanks to all! Will do the smart thing and open the case, read the Intel MB number and do some web-searching. And, thanks for the "compatible" warning. It's just good old American marketing. A bit sneaky? Yes! Just goes to show that you need to read, be a bit skeptical, and read some more. SnapperOne
  5. Has anyone experienced trouble running Zone Alarm Pro v. 4 under Win2000Pro? Did some fast research on this new update and found limited, but mixed results. SnapperOne
  6. SnapperOne

    Trouble w/ Zone Alarm Pro 4.0 under Win2K?

    As mentioned in my earlier post, I only did some fast research on the program. Nonetheless, here were some of the user reviews I found: "Way too complicated" schwit on 18-Jun-2003 06:13:54 PM The new rules require a degree in networking. After a couple of days of p2p activity ZA4 was using over 50% of cpu and consuming over 100mb of RAM & VM, each. Shutting down ZA was the only way to free it back up. This has been a problem for quite a while. "Works great if you know the fix" Jeff on 08-Jul-2003 07:06:05 AM Pros: I don't know whether to give this product a thumbs-up or down. It's either a great firewall, or the most crippling software ever to crashcyour system! The CNET editors suggest that the system instability caused by prior versions of ZoneAlarm isn't present in 4.0. I cisagree. After I installed it, my Windows XP Pro system was paralyzed -- programs wouldn't launch, Task Manager wouldn't run, the system wouldn't even shut down! I had to manually power it off! I was on the verge of reformatting my hard drive! As it turns out, the fix is very easy -- but not uniformly known among the Zone Labs tech support staff. And it can't be guessed, even by a sophisticated user, because it involves an undocumented feature of ZoneAlarm. The "solution" I received from Tech Suport didn't solve the problem -- I had to do a Google search for the right answer! In my opinion, this program should be packaged with a README file describing the potential malfunction and the fix. Better yet, it should be re-coded so a fix isn't necessary! Anyway, my system is now working fine, and so is ZA Pro. Cons: Crashes some systems unless fixed through an undocumented feature. Non-uniform knowledge among Tech Support personnel. Some feature buried deep within non-intuitive menus.
  7. I'm looking to upgrade my video card, if possible frugally at <$150 USD. While my research has had me looking at the 9000 series Radeon cards, I stumbled across that the 9500 must connect directly to my PC's power supply, and that the power supply must be at least 300W. In short, do all Radeon 9000 series cards require a direct-connect to the power supply? I'm not a bigtime gamer, but I would like to play games such as Rise of Nations, Star Trek: Elite Force II, etc.........so I'm not certain my second (budget) choice for a card, a GeForce4 128K MX 440, will do the job.
  8. SnapperOne

    Do all Radeon 9_00 cards connect to a PS's power supply?

    mervincm Thanks for the thought. As a soon-to-be senior citizen (God that's a scarey thought), I've just gotten gun-shy when it comes to poking around "under-the-hood" of my PCs. It has taken so long to get them up & running smoothly, I procrastinate messing around with anything. In short, I'm turning into an old chichen-sh_t! Thanks again for your kind thoughts. Steven (whoops, SnapperOne)
  9. SnapperOne

    Do all Radeon 9_00 cards connect to a PS's power supply?

    sapiens74, Avalanche, and lorddraxar....... Thanks for the input. Truthfully, I consider video cards to be a big pain in the _ss. I am simply amazed, when I read posts from NT Compatible contributors who seem to change from one $500+ video card to the next at the blink of an eye. No matter how much research you do, you know out front that some of your software (most likely a game) won't work. Anyway, thanks for the input. SnapperOne
  10. I am attempting to load Sudden Strike. The install is asking me if I want to install DirectX 7.0a. 1) How do I tell what version of DirectX is already loaded? And, 2) If the version of DirectX I have is newer than 7.0a, do I simply skip the 7.0a install?
  11. SnapperOne

    To load or not-to-load a version of DirectX?

    ConQueso & DS3Circuit - Followed your (ConQueso's) lead to the game list. Looks like Force21 (the game I'm most interested in running) is known to lock-up under Win2K with a TNT2 card, and the other games may also have video-related issues. Looks like I need to upgrade a bit. Now all I have to do is find a video card that solves most, if not all the problems I'm having. Could be fun, since the PC is primarily work-related. Oh, well...........computers are such fun. Thanks for the feedback. SnapperOne
  12. SnapperOne

    To load or not-to-load a version of DirectX?

    DS3Circuit - Ok, here’s the deal. I purchased a bunch of games out of a bargain bin. Some appear to work, some don’t. Most of the “don’ts” appear to be hardware related, and I’m trying to figure out what I need to get most of them working. I really don’t have a clue. I’m currently running Win2Kpro 5.0.2195 on a: PIII-664 384M-Ram Intel 820 Viper V550-16M (don’t laugh) DirectX 8.1 v PCI SB Live Basic Games that appear to work: Sudden Strike (P-200, Win95/98/2000/ME, SVGA video) War Commander (PII-450, Win95/98/2000/ME, DirectX compatible graphics & sound) Civilization II & III (PII-500, Win95/98/2000/XP, DirectX 8.0 compatible video, DirectX 8.0 compatible sound) Problems games: Beach Head 2002 (PIII-350, Win95/98/ME, DirectX compatible sound, 16MB DirectX compatible video) When booted, game reports: “Error – can’t create primary surface” and “BHZ.EWS.exe has generated errors and will be shut down”. Operation Blockade (PII-350, Win98/2000/XP/ME, DirectX8 video, SB compatible sound) When booted game reports: “No hardware-accelerated Device3D devices found” “Create device failed – invalid call” Dogs of War (PII-266, Win95/98, DirectX 3D accelerator card, DirectX sound) During install it optioned loading DX-Media and DirectX 7. I chose “No” for both. When I attempted to run the program: “Fatal Display error”. Force 21 (P-233 w/ MMX software rendering, Win95/98, Video either SVGA for 2D 16-bit or Direct 3D compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound, DirectX 6 “must be installed”)(OK video chipsets: 3Dfx, Voodo, Nvidia Riva, & Matrox G200). Game-intro video and music play well, but, when I attempt to “Enter a mission”, I’m dumped out of the game and back to the desktop.
  13. I am compiling an MS-Access database of exterior repairs that are needed in our townhouse complex. To make the data easier to understand, I would like to present the information to the membership by project; i.e...painting, wood replacement, etc....., then by address; i.e...700-A, 715-D, etc.... I have, however, only been able to sort the data by one field at a time. I have been unable to perform multiple-field sorts. Is it possible to do what I am looking to do? Or, should I be using another program like Excel or something else? SnapperOne
  14. Are on-line cable speed tests reasonably informative? I read an opinion written in 2000 or 2001 that cable speed tests, especially under Internet Explorer, in no way represent even the "general" level of service being delivered by a cable-service provider. Generally speaking, the only time I use one of the cable speed-test sites is when I notice a very slow response when I am on-line. SnapperOne
  15. Force21 loads and even takes you through the scenario setup; i.e...mission criteria, intelligence reports, etc......, but, when we "click" on Go To Mission, the screen blacks-out and we're returned to the Win2000 desktop. Running Win2000 v. 5.0.2195 Service Pack 3 Build 2195, 300+ meg of Ram, and Viper V550 NV4 video SnapperOne
  16. SnapperOne

    Anyone successful getting Force21 to run?

    ConQueso - Just read DosFreak's game compatibility list (Jan '03). Doesn't look to good for my getting Force21 to work with Win2000Pro. Oh well, may give ACT a try anyway. SnapperOne
  17. SnapperOne

    Anyone successful getting Force21 to run?

    ConQueso - Nope! It has been a long time since I've attempted to load a game under Win2000, and a forgot all about ACT. Sorry 'bout that. From what I read from Titanus on another post, it sounds as if I should, before loading ACT 3.0, install ACT 2.6 so I can extract a particular file for use with ACT 3.0, then install ACT 3.0. Sound about right? SnapperOne
  18. SnapperOne

    Programs running in the background

    I have a friend, running Win98, who apparently has a program running "in the background" that is preventing him from running Scan Disk. Since I migrated to 2KPro some time ago, I can't remember how to uncover all the system function and programs that might be running in the background of Win98 machines. Thanks in advance for whatever help you can provide. SnapperOne
  19. I am in the process of setting up a 2-system home-based LAN around a MAC G4 and WinME PC via a LinkSys Router (BEFSR41 v. 2). Two questions: 1) AT&T says there is an extra $4.95/mo charge for two PCs on one connection. I have friends in another part of the Midwest connecting 2 PCs to AT&T Broadband via the router mentioned above, who are not charged the extra fee. What's up? 2) Should I anticpate any configuration problems connecting a PC and MAC through the router? SnapperOne
  20. Trying to get up & running after installing a new HD. In the process, have for the first time ever begun receiving the following Internet Explorer Warning while moving around inside NTCompatible: "This page provides potentially unsafe information to an ActiveX Control......". We receive this message with ZoneAlarm engaged or turned off, and with IE's security settings set to Medium, Medium-Low or Low. The pop-up is really getting annoying.
  21. Have just completed setting up a 2-PC LAN using a LinkSys Router. Seems to work great. However, when I go to "My Network Places"/"Computers near me", while both PCs are listed, the new PC shows up as "kr3n8bo". I would like to change this to something like "Basement PC", etc.....for ease-of-use reasons, but find where to do this. SnapperOne
  22. SnapperOne

    Changing networked hard drive name?

    adamvjackson - Please excuse my denseness (is that a word), but setting up this network is starting to make my eyes glaze over. Anyway, are we supposed to be logging in to both machines with the Adminsitrator Account? I believe the PC with the new hard drive is listed as Guest, and I am unaware of any intentional account name change and/or new name name. Of course, I'm not certain where I'd look for those answers anyway. So far my google searches on the subject of network setups has been one dead end after another. Sorry, getting a bit frustrated. SnapperOne
  23. SnapperOne

    Can't reinstall GoBack

    Win2000Pro-Service Pack 3, PIII, 512M Ram. Installed a new 30G Drive C, keeping a second 13G drive ("G") for game installs. Drive "C" was formatted using the Win CD, Drive "G" was formatted using My Computer/Disk Manager. Both drives have been defragged. Both drive work properly with all other programs. Programs that have been installed on "C" since installation, but before attempting to install GoBack: MS-Office 2000 Pro, Norton AV 2003, HP scanjet utilities, HP Photosmart, HP Precisionscan, Logitech Mouseware, CD Creator 5, Outlook Express, and Window Washer, which was installed after the GoBack problem came up. All these programs, along with GoBack, were installed on the original Drive "C" with no problems. When I attempt to install GoBack on the new drive "C", the following error message pops up: "Setup is unable to create enough contiguous space on your hard drive for a GoBack history buffer of 3.187GB. This may be caused by active programs locking portions of the file space. Close all other programs, including those in the System Tray." For reference, Drive "C" is 95% unused; Drive "G", 99%. I have attempted to "End Process" all the running programs and processes I am allowed to terminate - no change. I have shut down, or prevented from loading all auto-start programs, including Norton's - no change. And, I have disconnected the PC from our LAN and the internet during the install - no change. I can't find a program(s) that is "......locking portions of the file space". Roxio has been of no help. And, at $35 per phone call, it's getting to where I can't afford to run the program, even though I really can't afford to not run the program......or a program like it. Any ideas on what's wrong and/or an alternate Win2000Pro-compliant program that does the same thing as GoBack would be a great help. SnapperOne
  24. Installed an existing copy of Microsoft Office2000 Professional SR-1 on a new (replacement) hard drive. Unlike our original install on the old hard drive, there are no desktop icons for Word, Excell, Access, etc......and, when we click on "Start"/"New Office Document" there is no pop-up box showing short-cuts to "Office" features......... We have uninstalled and reinstalled the program several times........same result - no icons, no connection to New Office Document. Any ideas?
  25. SnapperOne

    No MS-Office icons or "Start\New Office Document"

    jimf43 - Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Or, I should say it didn't work consistently. The first time I attempted to use either icon from either Start or Desktop, I was directed to insert the Office CD. Office did some playing around, after which both icons "seemed" to work. Then TaDa they stopped. Just a blank box in the taskbar. That's it! I'm done! The program wins! I'm just too tired to keep fooling with it! I'll just use the desktop icons to start the Office Programs and open files. Life is just too short. Thanks again for your help............SnapperOne