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Everything posted by Uykucu

  1. Uykucu

    HELP! NT4 Server needs modem farm

    If phonelines are no problem and neither is the budget, Why not get a modem rack or network modem box?? It will integrate and work nicely. I wouldn't wanna be the one assigning IRQ's and such on 8 Modems on aNT4 Box. As of recommendation. Lucent makes a nice network modem box which is expandable. I do not remember the exact model but you can find it on their www. Also ther is always 3Com and intel and the rest. pick your poison! These boxes hook up to the network as if a dedicated access point. You can set up how many of them dials in or how much BW is allowed etc.
  2. Well for 1 Yes you can not under any circumstance reach 100Mb/ps on a crossover (It has to do with FDuplex/Hduplex), And for a 100 mbps you need properly shielded Cat5 350mhz capable cable, which is verry expensive for home networking. And in my opinion Netgear is crap!!! If you paid $69 you can get a decent Intel or 3Com card with paying about $40 more. In fact you will get a verry decent one. And 100 Mbps is not gonna make any difference unless you hobby is moving 10GB files between you computers hourly! What a sad life that would have been
  3. Uykucu

    Parameter Stuff.....

    Or instead of a file you can define the files as public global value and write another function to dump them in to zip. Although I do not know which zip you are using and you actually might have to modify it as well in order to read values from memory. All above applies if you are in to programming obviously. Which I presume you are since you do know some Unix )
  4. You want some good advice? Do not partition it!!! NTFS Partitions are hard enough to recover without stupid Fat32's if there is a system crash. Especially if you are using NTFS. If you have to PM 5 it does not support NTFS 5 so get Partition Magic 6.
  5. Uykucu


    Try restoring the explorer .exe I hope you have not installed the IE6.0 Beta. If you did it clean install for you since there is no way to remove it properly. (I tryed it on one of my test machines ) Also check out your registry size, since it has been running over a year. And page Files. I do not think it is anything overheating since the machine was working until recently. But I would suggest running a diagnostic on your video memory with something like Norton, Or just try playing one of the new games They seem to be using everything there is. But as I said it is verry rare a HW component to break down. Also you might wanna do a proper test of your HDD since any corruption on there wil most likely effect your swap file and cause similar trouble. And Last. When the described problem occurs, can you terminate the processes? Have you given any Service/ sub service higher Priority? try restoring them if so! Hope it helps!
  6. Uykucu

    Cyberlink Power DVD on High Res

    Hi, When i am watching a DVD (more like trying) on Cyberlink it comes up with Your Current Display Mode is not supported, Please lower your resolution!!! Now I am running 17" CRT on a 64MB GeForce 2 with the res. 1280x1024x32Bpp @ 85Hz If I lower it to 1024x768 it works. But it is annoying all my icons move around etc. WinDVD works fine at this res but it is the crappest Soft DVD player I have ever seen in my life. Has anybody else has the same prob? Is there a workaround???
  7. Uykucu

    Cyberlink Power DVD on High Res

    Thx Silent. It appears to be a problem with the detonator drivers.
  8. Uykucu

    cd-rom auto eject

    Are you sure this is a W2k Problem. I have never heard of such thing connected to W2k However. i have seen in total 3 CD rom's from Creative which does (literally) spit the disk back at you. after some wild spinning and verry weird noises. Try putting another CD-Rom in and try it out. It should sort it out I believe.
  9. I Guess yo can use variables and such if you use another batc process to do it, but I do not see the necessity. Being honest. I am not sure haw the .reg files are handled either so above hypothesis might be totally rubbish. Stick to what clutch said. or go out and Buy the NBA CD! You can Clone CD it if you really wish to. Just dont tell us about it.
  10. Uykucu

    Cyberlink Power DVD on High Res

    Yes but I do not use dual boot. And I am not insisting on higher Resolution for the sake of better picture since it is not. My problem is If I wanna watch a dvd I either have to change res. or use winDVD which picture quality is verry bad. I had no problem with cyberlink, Except this. The same problem does not exist in W98Se but... Anyway is there any other SW player you would recommend. preferably a trial one that i can try before buying???
  11. Hi, Does anybody here have experience with these two groups? W2K Terminal, IIS, SQL Enterprise 8.0, Exchange 2K or IBM Websphere with domino and all the stuff I am trying to decide whatever to switch to Webspeher or stick with MS. I have already paid for all the MS stuff a lot of money but all those SP, security leaks etc. is pissing me off. I got hacked after I installed SQL, Got hacked after I installed Exchange etc. (There is a guy from China who tryes every single MS security problem on my machines daily. Mostly he fails but!) I was wondering if any of you can give me a comparison on what to expect or help me decide. PS. Processing capacity etc. is not an issue. too long but you guys would love what is inside my cabinet!
  12. There is a Cisco HW Firewall and Lucent Technologies SW Firewall. did not help much since they came in through the english Querry exploit. There is a patch for it on MS Technet.
  13. Yes but, If you install them W98, Than W2k will complain about the settings and it is also more advantegous if you are hooking up to multiple W98 machines since you do not have to install the full driver on all of them. Also if the network is down W98 stand alone driver will not recognize the printer when it comes back online.
  14. Hi People, I had downloaded the full package for IE 5.5 some time ago and I was using it hapilly ever after to install on tens of machines (hundreds via the Network) Anyway all good things come to an end and CD is messed I can not take an image either. Problem is.: I do not remember which part of microsoft network I had downloaded it from. Can somebody send me the link? I would appreciate it since ordering the CD can take anything between a week to a month with my experience.
  15. Uykucu

    IE5.5 SP-1 Network

    oaelcome Buddy. You know the saying Great minds think alike
  16. Uykucu

    IE5.5 SP-1 Network

    Got it. For you poor souls with the same problem try KB Article ID: Q257249
  17. There should be somthing called point and print bundle. Which contains W98 and 200 etc drivers in one package. At least on HP's it does. Try to obtain this from Lexmark. If failed get the W98 drivers as well. After extracting them. do what you did earlier but when it asks for the server CD point it to INF file for W98. After that happy printing!
  18. Uykucu

    ICQ startup problem.....

    Have you tryed uninstalling, downloading a newer version and installing again??? And also it would help if you do not install things like ICQ banner killer!
  19. Uykucu

    Intel Celeron compability with NT and 2000 servers

    What I am wondering is, If you have purchased W2K Advanced Server, why would you wanna use a multi processor OS in a Celeron which has in the best 128KB of L1 cache! Get a P3, even better get XEON, or even better get Itanium. I am all for the AMD for home PC's of 14-20 Yrs old group to play quake but with my experience AMD chipsets does not cut it as server in the reliability. And it is always good to watch what IBM, HP, Compaq are doing with their servers. Has anybody seen an AMD Netfinity server lately with AMD patch installed if i might add!!!
  20. Uykucu

    disable shutdown option in terminal services

    you can change a user group privaleges or general policys on Local Security Policy snap in under administrative tools. So that should do the trick. But why do you wanna do that? Anybody who doesn't know what they are doing Shouldn't have TS access anyway
  21. Good idea Clutch. To keep the file on floppy I use to change the machine name as well.
  22. Uykucu

    IE 6 causes Explorer to CrAsH!!!!

    IE6 is preview beta mate! Haven't your parents thought you not to install beta stuff. And especially from MS. Thay can not get the final stuff to work properly, preview beta come on!!! I have just last week spent GBP£12000 on SQL 2K Enterprise , set it up on one of the servers on Sunday got hacked through the SQL on Monday morning. somebody put 40GB of ***** on my server! When I phone up MS to scream shout and go postal they say we have released a Service pack on 12th June!!!!
  23. Uykucu

    Windows 2000 SP 2 grrrrrrr

    I would suggest creating an integrated SP2 setup CD or directory and installing that. saves a hell lot of a trouble. and complexity. Remeber more complex better chance of going wrong. To make one extarct the SP2 with "-x" switch then goto I386\UPDATE\update.exe use the "-s:c:\wherew2kis\" switch to integrate it. PS. I might wrong about the directory names or commands but not the switches check out the knowledgebase
  24. you can not make an unattended general setup from CD. Every machine is different and they require different answers. I am afraid you have to keep on typing buddy!
  25. Uykucu

    win2k re-sign in

    You have probably moved your data from the old drive. Well it doesn't really work like that. backup the stuff and resetup the windows clean.