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Everything posted by Uykucu

  1. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    Himm than there lies your problem. It should not be PIO mode. But instead DMA 5 have you checked for a Bios Upgrade? drive also might be faulty. Remeber WD drives have 3-5 years warranty
  2. Uykucu

    Best free firewall software

    Well said clutch! i would really recommend the Symantec and Lucent packages. Symantec even let's you try it (trial). I have never come across checkpoint but heard nothing but good about it. I have no need for a new one but I will keep it in mind in the future. ZoneAlarm BlackIce etc. does not impress me much since they are usually quite easy to fool or crash. And anyway the real security threat nowadays is the Microsoft itself. Just look at the IIS. Some seurity expert said it has more holes than swiss cheese. For home computing there is not much threat since the number of people who can really get in are very limited despite what every 15-17 yrs old who can install windows or connect 2 compute4rs claim So It is not the quality of protection rather unnecessity in my opinion.
  3. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    ATA 100 enabling is not an WD thing. every single drive has it. but coming to quality. It used to be verry good when the largest drives were 13-15GB not anymore. Cache handling of WD is verry sloopy although it does not spin down (actually it should) it can under no circumstance keep a constatnt data rate. and it does not spin down to recover errorsa either so it just keeps getting worst. I find them to be higly unreliable. in a different sense. Usually they do not die straight ahead but your Bios starts reporting drive Fail. You can still access it and copy your data but actual High frequency cct is gone. I have seen bios wiped or cache memory blown reporting %60 failure IBM and Quantum are actually the real deals. IBM is the one manufactered first HDD and still they have the largest, fastest drives (and most expensive). Quantum on the other hand licences technologies from IBM so it is always about a week behind on size and speed. And the drives are fab. generally. But I have started to come across more and more faulty quantums. it is usually a problem with their suspension or shock absorption which is caused by drive not fixed properly. This is because quantum drives have the quickest spin up and down. which puts stress on the mechanism. Frankly I do not see any other device worth mentioning. I hope it helps.
  4. Uykucu

    NTFS version question

    Well straight to the point. Tobby is absolutely right! Why go into all the trouble. Wait until your Hdd's crash then you can restructure them
  5. Uykucu

    Best free firewall software

    It is not necessary on my opinion. If you are W2k, disable the guest account and remove file and printer sharing binding on your connection TCP IP. If you are really paranoid you can actually define which ports to be open or blocked on you leisure. Firewall SW especially "AMATOUR" ones like zone alarm etc. does not relly protect you it gives you a toy to play with. Symantec corporate and the Lucent ones are good. I have heard good about the Cisco Although I have not tryed/tested it myself
  6. Uykucu

    NTFS version question

    Do not use PM, best solution would be to backup your data to some sort of medium wipe the file system and recreate it on w2k. PM tends to try making you dependent on itself. You use it once you have to low level format the drive to get rid of it. And there is no patrch on powerquest's site Umarim isinize yaramistir
  7. Uykucu

    Swith LED still on without WOL?

    You know what they say, curiosity kills the cat! We also have a saying in turkey, which roughly translates as. Whatever misforune you've got it is caused either by curiosity or your dick! Verry ***ist, verry crude but got my point. Kind regards, looking forward to the next thread.
  8. Uykucu

    JJ32 gave me an intriuging idea...

    Just got back from Network troublshooting of 4 hours. Bloody London is burning up, Underground is verry hot and the office I was in did not have air conditioning. Frankly Go 5 Giga Bit if you like to.... BTW Does anybody know a Lotus Computers based on Holborn or use to be... Please send me the adress so I can send the bastards a mail bomb or something. What Kind of idiot will cross connect UTP cables, tape them and hide them behind a cabinet. Of course tape detoriated and caused a short. took me 2 hours to figure it out. PS. If you are the lotus Computers I invoite you for a duel...
  9. Uykucu

    Swith LED still on without WOL?

    Well said, screw the LED's!
  10. Uykucu

    JJ32 gave me an intriuging idea...

    Well, This is what I mean. What you are asking can not be done without the appropriate NIC's
  11. Uykucu

    JJ32 gave me an intriuging idea...

    Yes of course any SW can do that but I believe Hellbringer's idea was to combine the BW of 2 Nic's and get a cheaper 400 Mbit or whatever. I will have a look at it this weekend.
  12. Uykucu

    W2KS Unable to access Internet - Help!

    Check out the evet viewer logs. is it a DHCP error? or gateway. Also It might be UDP filtering or if you have anything like black ice installed.
  13. Uykucu

    Heres a difficult one =]

    Have you tryed messing about your network settings? is it properly configured. I remember seeing/hearing this on another occasion. However there was no solusion as far as i can recall. I do not use Linux except 3-4 Cobalt Racks and we do not have this problem. But we have sh1t loads of others. If you ask me Linux just does not cut it as a serious server SW. Why bother with it when theer is Unix and W2k
  14. Uykucu

    Norton Autoprotect taking up 65 megs RAM

    I use the NAV myself. but never noticed any memory leak. And my machine is always on and operating there are FTP calls from my friends, It constantly DL'databases and stuff from servers and about 200 e-mails a day. so NAV is always scanning new stuff. Have you tryed re-installing NAV?
  15. Uykucu

    Swith LED still on without WOL?

    Well, what i have intended to say was. As you already know the machines (PC's Switches etc.) today are always on. Sorry for the confusion. Are you sure it has never done this before. That Led is basically just a voltage detector there is nothing magical or electronic about it. If there is a voltage (potential diffrence) between two nodes (pins) it generates a current on a pre specified direction and lights. BTW a LED is just a Diode
  16. Uykucu


    You are welcome. Although I do not feel like I really helped you Just stated the obvious.
  17. Uykucu

    JJ32 gave me an intriuging idea...

    Himm yes SW claims to be here but how does it work? has anyone tryed it? and how does it manage which packet comes from which NIC. driver has to support this and even the card. so we are back to Sq one in my opinion. It might be good for traffic control and such but can it combine BW's or Separate them to channels in that sense???
  18. If you think you have problems with 32 GB's try mine. 4x 75 GB with only about 20 free. I did not wanna get back to Fat32 (Who would) but bloddy stupid PM messed everything up... This is why I am against it.
  19. Backup all your data nicely to CD's or another Fat32 drive, run Fdisk and delete all the partitions than create new ones as you wish. There is no way of going back to Fat32 from NTFS5. That is the way things are.
  20. Uykucu

    Swith LED still on without WOL?

    Yes but as you now machines always powered on. The light might be stating cable is in and voltage is present on the cable, So WoL is active whatever it might actually be active or not. Of course I am just guessing but I have seen this on Intel, 3Com and HP's
  21. Uykucu

    JJ32 gave me an intriuging idea...

    All of it can be done, Get the necessary Nic's or a Compaq server. Once you are at it why don't you cluster as well )
  22. Uykucu


    Then I believe your problem is related to IE6. and a corrupt explorer.exe.
  23. Uykucu

    Swith LED still on without WOL?

    What do you mean? It might sound stupid but could it be power???
  24. Uykucu

    JJ32 gave me an intriuging idea...

    Nope would not work with SW alone. You need something link Compaq NIC Teaming or the equivalent from HP. Because cards have to be able to communicate wih each other via DMA It is basicly the same technology that they used on w95 for multi modem link. If anybody needs more BW change your cables, routers or get Fiber Real 1GB/ps should be enough for any of you
  25. Uykucu

    Netgear = CRAP!!!!!

    If money is no object 3Com rules. I do not like Intels Ifind them sloppy, And Netgear I had so many of them faulty or breaking down in 2 weeks i never ever touch the stuff again ever! In my opinion I can build a better quality and more reliable Hub with paper clips and aluminium Folio! And Netgear Card are again the similar storry. i mean how can you ever manage to screw up something so basic as a NIC driver? I have not used their cards enough to comment beyond this.