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Everything posted by Uykucu

  1. Uykucu

    Win2K Adv. Srvr licensing?

    Ther is a same issue in SQL. Before adding new licences you first have to lower the amount of licences to what was intended 10. Then go to control panel and add more.
  2. Uykucu

    New to Norton ghost 2001

    Yes but Ghost does a trick drive image is not even aware of it... network Cloning You create boot disks with necessary Ndis2 drivers for your Nic's, assign sequential IP's not DHCP. Boot up and kaboom after defining master and slave A W2k And office partition only takes about 2.5 minutes to write on another machine. No CD's Nothing. Beat that. For the ones who are wondering why, Try setting up 20 Computers on a network. They are all the same model and make would you go around, format, w2k, Office 2k, Nav or would you do it from one like I described above It takes 1 Hour instead of 2 days
  3. Uykucu

    Can`t get Win2k CD with integrated SP2 to work.

    Nope just DL DX8 and chuck it in to somewhere in the cd....
  4. Uykucu

    100cpu on dialup

    Well enabling the dial up service to start automatically is the solution. It looks like it is started when it is needed. However I am against dropping SP2. SP1 is worst. You know microsoft they just replace the bugs with the new ones.
  5. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    Just a thought: If this problem is ever solved we should celebrate! since we are all pretty far away and going down the local for a pint is out of the question. I suggest an online party. Everybody writes a message while drinking beer. And I just noticed how lame it sounds Well I just woke up what do you want from me!
  6. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    I apologize for my too sarcastic remarks... I guess it was my mood that was responsible. I do understand how frustrating it is, having something that does not work as it should be. I am sorry I do not have anything else to offer you that is it. I am out of idea's. (BTW you would not hear an IT Consultant say that ever) But I know this, your heat sink's will not effect the performance. Just a thought that occurred to me now when I saw your desktop. try disabling or closing all the tray icon's especially NAV to be disabled. Than shut down some of CPU intensive programs etc in the background. Disable Smart Monitoring and try again.... PS. The reason I repeated them was basically i thought you have not tryed them. Sorry!
  7. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    Well, I thought we wwere trying to help you out. Here is the deal. Of course your bios supports it (Dough!) Problem is with your drive I am repeating for the 3rd and the last time. Have you gone in to bios and enabled halt on all errors? what happened afterwards? Drive will not get damaged if the IDE or power is not plugged in or shaky etc. It just won't work. What you should concentrate here is basically when you do run the ATA Utility you do not see the option of ATA 100 or even 66 This is because your drive is misreporting/ not being able to report it's model No. abilities etc. Or WD Software is messed up which I find the idea to be very unlikely. Try using the same SW with your friend's computer. Do not change anything just try to see if the option is available. If it is for the 3rd time get a new drive or replacement or whatever. Also when you say sub 66 how many MBps in sequential read? And if you keep running diagnostic/benchmark your drive is going to fail anyway.
  8. Uykucu

    Yamaha CRW 2100||2200

    What abaout underrun's? do you get them as well?
  9. Uykucu

    Yamaha CRW 2100||2200

    This is really strange because the only time my drives do that is CDRW On CD R they stick to whatever it is selected. And you might actually be confusing vector something writing. It does spin up and down during the recording process but it depends on which area of disc it is burning not the buffer level. Since it is using CLV or something on the outer layers to keep a constant data stream. You can find the details on yamaha's page I believe. I did not pay much attention. And also it doesn't make any differnce whatever i am surfing, running Cad or just left it idle. I still get buffer underruns 1 in 10. My previous 8x4x32 yamah or even 4x4x12 HP weere more reliable than this. I do believe it is something to do with the bios since there is a new one every month since it was released. But whatever.
  10. Uykucu

    Best free firewall software

    Yes bursar but this is only with the recent patches. I do remember trying Zone alarm and being able to fool it with msie.exe file name and using simple http instead of more secured UDP. Just to show an arrogant customer of mine how much he was protected. Now u can not do anything from http, except maybe downloading an active X you prepared earlier At the end of the day they look cool and give you something to talk about with your mates over a burger (if you are really sad )And they definetly have cool interface designs. Use it, do not use it. it is up to you...
  11. Uykucu

    Yamaha CRW 2100||2200

    Hi Blade Runner, I suggest you look at your manual if you this drive. It ain't burnproof If it was it did not need to have 8Mb buffer anyway. Coming to media I only use TDK myself. So it can not be that. I have a Toshiba DVD Rom and it works juuust fine. there is no problem at CD-CD. However if the CD contains sh1t load of small files it occasionaly messes it up. (the recorder that is). Now I have another system that runs on SCSI and has the same burner only SCSI it does not work either. same problem after burning people can not read the discs etc. It does not have a raid but it is dual P3 with UW SCSI2 so transfer rate is not the issue. My home machine is IDE and has 4xIBM DTLA 75 GB's. Transfer issue ruled out again. And finally I very seldomly use RW. It works fine as far as I am concerned.
  12. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    Tomorrow is monday. Call them up and request a replacement. but it will take up to 2 weeks if i know WD.
  13. Uykucu

    Maxtor 100GB Hard Drives, really worth it?

    I agree with bladerunner as I said earlier. IBM is not cheap but definetly worth it. I need the capacity so I go for 4x75GB all working singular config.
  14. Uykucu

    Best free firewall software

    Totally right dos freak but you should also know this stuff does not actually hack They exploit security hole's on MS software or Linux or whatever. And even they can list the adminsitrative users etc. there is not much they can do. If you are really paranoid you can also disable the remote acces on Local security Policy snap in. So no matter what password nobody can do anything. So as a result if you have to have remote access and such Firewall helps (web servers etc) but Microsoft messes it up anyway. For home computing It is not needed in my opinion just slows down the machine and wastes memory and also costs money. But I am gonna have a look at that smoothwall. BTW what do you use Dosfreak?
  15. Uykucu

    hp scanjet 4200c software for win2k

    No hellbringrer not for the sacnners etc. for W2k you need the CD. It is actually same as the W98 SW but 98 one had a NT check on it. Which caused it to refuse installing.
  16. Uykucu

    Yamaha CRW 2100||2200

    I have 512 Mb ram with P3 1Ghz i can seldomly burn at 16x. but when i do most of the other drives can not read it. And for some freak reason I can only do it with TDK blanks ;( Also there seems to be something terribly wrong with raw mode writing. I am using the latest firmware 1.0n which firmware do you have?
  17. Uykucu

    Maxtor 100GB Hard Drives, really worth it?

    My opinion is a bit different This is my job guys not my Hobby. My company (I own it) also spe[censored]e in disaster recovery. We are based in london and for some reason we get a sh1t load of Maxtors with other people's accounting Data, DB's etc. But at the end of the day it is how lucky you are and how do you use it. In what environment? How good is your PSU, do you have Power cuts, is the drive attached properly (makes a lot of difference on fast drives) is your machine over clocked (gets too hot too quick). You do have to take all those in to account. At my home I have a box full of old HDD's 512Mb to 16GB. Which some were left over from my free-lance days. all of them were in working condition when i put them there. There is no maxtor in them! Makes you think why does it not. ;(
  18. Uykucu

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    If you can take your friends drive and attach it to you machine and try it out. or some other drive that is ATA 100 I believe your drive might be bust. I have a WD Ata 66 20GB drive with exactly the same symptoms. which is sitting outside. But my bios did start to tell me that the drive has failed... If not try enabling "Halt on All Errors" and boot up. let's see what it says. I have not used your board (there are so many of them) I use Asus myself. But I verry much doubt it is a problem with your board as I said.
  19. Uykucu

    Those of you needing RAM

    For anywhere consumer... try Crucial It ain't the cheapest but definetly most reliable and best memory. It is free shipiing too. although right now 256Mb 133 Sticks you can buy as low as GBP£18-20
  20. Uykucu

    Problems with logitech mouse win2k

    I remember my dumbfounded face when I tryed to upgrade mouse ware and the keyb SW. and left with no mouse or KB on W2k. Took me a while to restore it all back. It is quite hard to install drivers in windows when you do not have a KB or mouse
  21. Uykucu

    hp scanjet 4200c software for win2k

    Hang on... This is HP. It should be free. $10 is probably postage and pacakaging. and I just checked the CD it is 230MB's you sure wanna do this over the net?
  22. Uykucu

    hp scanjet 4200c software for win2k

    I've got it. I will e-mail you.
  23. Uykucu

    Maxtor 100GB Hard Drives, really worth it?

    Maxtor is Bad.! Stay away from it. get IBM, Quantum, Western Digital in that order. if not 100Gb get 80 or 75. You will use it. And make sure it is 7200 RPM and 2MB cache at least. Maxtor fails. very low quality
  24. Uykucu

    how to enble more downloads at once from http

    If the server does not support it. it won't make much difference. and more channels less BW for each.
  25. Uykucu

    Removing Progs

    You can delete the exe files and registry manually but this is the obvious. Dunno any other way. never thought of it actually. If you do not want anybody to run it you can put permission on it as well on the Local app policy